Why is he being so nice all of a sudden?

All of them..



You sighed then turned around.

You- "Don't worry bout me....let me help you get your medicine, let me go into the kitchen real quick."

Without another word you made your way into the kitchen to get some food and water for Mikey.

"She's up."

You turned your head and saw that Rindou, Ran, Kakucho and Kokonoi were in the livingroom.

They stood up right after.

They were worried about me?

You- "I just came here to help get some things before giving Mikey his medication."

Ran- "I can help you do that."

You- "No, its okay.."

Kakucho- "You need to rest."

You- "I'm fine, really..."

Kokonoi- "Do you need anything?"

You- "Um n-no just, uh..."

This is such a weird feeing, them being so nice to you all of a sudden.

Well, you did save their boss' life after all.

You- "..Can you just tell me what Mikey likes to eat?"


They all said together.

You- "Um...okay...so where are they?"

Kokonoi- "In the cupboard close to the fridge."

You nodded and went over to the kitchen.

But before you even made it passed the couch, Rindou had stepped in front if you.

Rindou- "Uh....I cleaned and dressed your neck the best I could...but I'm not a expert so...just let us know if you need someone to take a better look at it."

Rindou had his head turned away as he spoke to you.

You could've sworn you saw his cheeks turn red.

You smiled at him.

He noticed and flinched a bit.

You- "I'll look at it later after I help Mikey, but I really appreciate the help."

You went to the kitchen and opened the cupboard and grabbed 2 dorayakis.

You then got a cup and filled it with water.

Seeing the cup of water suddenly reminded you of something.

You hadn't seen Suki since Hanma and Shion were here.

It was kind of odd that Suki was nowhere all of a sudden but you tried not to push it.

After getting everything, you walked back to the medic room.

You noticed how Mikey's eyes lit up a bit at the sigh of the dorayakis.

As weird as this sounds, he honestly looked adorable.

You- "Here Mikey, you need to eat something before taking your medicine.

You placed the tray with the 2 dorayakis in front of him and watched him eat them.

He ate them slowly.

Wow...he must be weak...

You- "Are you okay Mikey?"

Ride or Die {Tokyo Revengers Bonten}Where stories live. Discover now