New Friends

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When I woke up I saw that I was in a dark room on a bed with pure black sheets. As I got up I felt my legs wobble and has to grab hold of the bed post. As I looked around the room I realized it was empty except for a door made of a black metal. I walked toward the door and grabbed the door knob, when the door opened I saw a large table occupied by figures in hoods. When the figures saw me they walked toward me and inspected me "hmm, seems strong" one said, he had a deep, commanding voice "yes, but will he pass out tests" another said, the figures voice was obviously female, soft and delicate "I'm certain he will" another said, his voice was similar to mine, but had more of an edge to it "who are you people" I asked warily, I reached for riptide but it wasn't there "don't worry young hero, we will not hurt you" another female said "I've heard that before" I said, the figure in the front nodded her head and the hooded people stepped back, the one furthest on the right removed his hood. He had a decent tan, black hair, and deep blue eyes "I am Oceanus, Primordial of the sea" he said, then stepped back. The female next to him stepped up and removed her hood, she had blonde hair, a good tan, and light blue eyes "I am Hemera, Primordial of day" she said. The next walked forward and remover its hood, he had pitch black hair and eyes, he was also incredibly pale "I am Tartarus, Primordial of the pit" he said, I got in a defensive stance when he finished "relax, Gaia had me under her spell when you were in the pit" he said, I relaxed slightly, after he stepped back the next one stepped up and removed its hood, he was pale with black hair and eyes "I am Erebus, Primordial of darkness" he said, the next one stepped up and removed its hood, he looked older than the rest, he had white and grey hair, he also had pale blue eyes, he reminded me of Zues, while filled me with anger "I am Oranus, Primordial of the sky" he said, his voice was slightly raspy buy had strength in it, the next person stepped up, and removed its hood, he was well tanned, had golden blonde hair, and golden eyes, he reminded me of Apollo "I am Aether, Primordial of light" his voice sounded laid back and serious at the same time, he stepped back and the women next to him up, and removed her hood, she had pure black eyes and hair, and was really pale "I am Nyx, the Primordial of night" she said, I went into defensive mode again "relax, I was merely defending my domain when you were in Tartarus" she said "the pit" Tartarus said "whatever" she replied "why did you bring me here" I asked them "to help you, to give you a new home and a new family" Hemera said "why" I asked "because we saw the injustice the gods and campers did to you" Aether said "we have disagreed with the way the gods rule for a long time, and when we saw them betray their savior, that was the last straw" Pontos said angrily "we will train you, give you new powers beyond anything the gods could ever muster, we will make you one of us, if you accept that is" Tartarus said, I thought about the possibility of having a new family, and it sounded pretty good "I accept" I said, after I said that Hemera ran up and hugged me "sorry about that, she gets overly excited some times" Aether said while pulling her back "its ok" I told him "well now that you have joined us, we will give you your powers and your domain" Nyx said "wait aren't there supposed to be more of you" I asked, remembering that there were more than five Primordials "unfortunately our fellow brothers and sisters faded a long time ago, including my wife Thalassa" Oceanus said sadly "how did this happen" I asked "when you spent thousands of years wondering around the universe while everyone believes you died a long time ago, you lose the will to live" Tartarus said "lets get off this subject" Aether said "agreed" Hemera said "now Percy, we will discuss what domain you will be given" Nyx said. After a few minutes of waiting they walked towards me "after talking it out, we have decided which domain will suit you best, we have decided to make you the Primordial of ice" Nyx said, "wow-uh-thank you, very much" I said shocked "you will receive separate training from each of us, I will train you on your water abilities and how to turn water into ice" Oceanus said "me and my wife Nyx will train you on how to use shadows to your advantage" Erebus said "i will train you on your strength" Tartarus said "
I will train you on your speed and agility" Aether said "and I will train you how to shoot a bow and arrow" Hemera said happily "when will the training begin" I asked "after we officially make you a Primordial" Nyx said. Then all the Primordials made a circle around me, interlocked their hands, and spoke some kind of ancient language, I felt a wave of power surge through me, after they stopped chanting they looked at me, Hemera whistled a classic flirty whistle, Aether looked at her "it was s joke" she said, seeing my confusion Nyx summoned a mirror in front of me, my appearance had changed completely, I had hair so white it looked like fresh snow, my hair was also slightly spiked, and it looked pretty good, my tan was gone and was replaced with really pale skin, my eyes were now icy blue, my facial features were more angular and sharp "wow" I said, I looked down and say that my outfit changed as well, I was wearing a white hoodie with light blue jeans and white high tops. "Now your training begins" Nyx said

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