???: "Very well."

She spread wings and spoke to him.

???: "You will.... Devote your life to me."

After saying that Issei closed his eyes as I saw her spawn in a pawn piece. Though it looked like his body rejected it and she gained a confused face.

???: "How unusual...."

She then summoned another seven pieces to which Issei's body accepted.

???: "He took eight corrupted pieces, he must be very unique."

I looked down as I wiped off the blood off his mouth.

(Y/N): "Will he be okay?"

???: "Yes he will... But I believe introductions are due. My name is Rias Gremory and by the looks of it you already know about the supernatural. I do have to ask why you are naked and the only thing you have on you is a leaf."

(Y/N): "My name is (Y/N) but in the Bible they call me Adam. Why I am naked is because I just arrived here like this."

Rias: "Wait... What do you mean in the Bible they call you Adam?"

(Y/N): "Because you may know me as Adam, the fist human God created."

I said as I picked up Issei in a bridal position.

Rias: "A-are you being serious? This is no time for jokes!

(Y/N): "I'm being 100% serious. Come on, his house isn't far from here."

I said as I started walking towards his house.

Rias: "O-Ok.... H-How do you know where his house is?"

She snapped out out of her confusion and came running and started walking beside me.

(Y/N): "Call it a fathers intuition mixed with in with my eyes."

Rias: "What's up with your eyes?"

(Y/N): "I was made in the image of god, so people call them "The Eyes Of God" but to me they're just my eyes. But I call the technique That I use, "Divine Reflection"."

Rias looked like she was intrigued, but I was also intrigued that she didn't mind I was naked. Maybe she think being naked is natural, I appreciate that because I like being naked. Although I do have to get clothes because I don't want any trouble due to being naked. I will have to ask her later.

Rias: "So Mister Ad- (Y/N) you said that you just arrived here, what did you mean by that?"

(Y/N): "Just only say my name. Long story short, A tournament versus the gods to fight for humanities survival and I died to Zeus. I honestly don't know how I am here though, my soul should've been destroyed."

Rias couldn't muster any words due to being so shocked.

Rias: "Y-You fought Zeus?"

(Y/N): "Yeah the old man was really strong, but we were both ready to drop till I got blood on my eyes. After that everything turned black."

Rias: "Y-You almost defeated him?!"

(Y/N): "When I said "made in the image of god" I meant it literally. 

Rias: "Incredible!"

After that we finally managed to Issei's house. I knocked on the door and soon his parents opened up.

(Gorou is Issei's dad and Miki his mom)

Gorou: "Hel- What the! Who are you and why do you have my son!"

Father of Humanity (Highschool DXD x Adam RoR reader)Where stories live. Discover now