James's will

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Harrys POV
Here read your parents will

I King James Flemont Potter-Sperona write this will if I die

To Sirius Orion Black is G150150
for being a great friend

To Remus John Lupin is G150150
To help cope with you know what

To Peter Percy Pettigrew is G150150
For being are secret keeper
If you betrayed us under the orders of the former king of Sperona Rest of life in Azkaban

To Severus Salazar Snape is G150150
To say sorry for bullying you tho if only Lily is alive and you marry her it goes to Sirius Remus and Peter tho if Peter betrays us just to Sirius and Remus

To Harry Potter is all of my possessions including the Maurders map

To Albus Dumbledore and The order of phoenix I give G150150

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