Chapter 1

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 Dad is in town

Harper woke up in a foreign land, they sky was grey with a purple undertone to the cloud bottoms, there were few dead trees and the land was rocky and dry. There was a calmness in the air, like the calm you feel before a large storm hits. Looking off to his left, Harper saw barren grey land and a large cyclone on the far horizon, not close enough to cause any danger but he could feel the humid winds against his cold skin. A solitary tree in that direction bowing its branches in surrender to the storm. 

Where am I? Confused, harper called out "Hello?", no answer. 

How did I get here? Where is here? Suddenly things seemed familiar, I've been here before. Only things weren't so... dead. And holy hell what is that smell? 

Turning around, his jaw dropped and he became paralyzed and nerveless from fear of what he saw before him, his body tingling from flight or fight chemicals shooting through his bones. Eyes wide, he started backing up slowly. The being formerly behind him looked like a demon, bearing black armor that looked like some kind of obsidian alloy that had almost a purple shine to it, but frightening as he was the beings eyes looked oddly familiar, like looking into the past. 

"No... who are you!?" Harper was choking back tears, surprised, and a heavy heart threatening to fall to the bottom of his soul. The being just looked at him and didn't pursue. 

Why is he just looking at me? He looks so sad. 

With a voice that could threaten mountains to crumble "I'm sorry Harper, but it is time you learn the truth. I don't have long and there are very few people you can trust—"

"Excuse me!?" Harper was angry. The creature gave him a sullen glare.

"Harper I need you to listen to me I—"

"No, I'm not entirely sure who you are- I have a pretty good idea, but it is impossible."

"I hate for you to find out this way, but this is how it must be— Don't say another word, Harper Deus Daemon you better listen to me if you know what's good for you," breathing heavy from frustration, he waited for Harper's understanding. "Nothing is what it seems and you will learn more about your true identity in the near future, and as that information becomes tangible to you, you must be ready to defend yourself and the ones you love. Hell has broken loose and only you can stop it."

"Man, I don't even know what you are talking about, I have school, I need to get back home. If I miss one more class assignment Mrs. Reinheart will call home and tell my mom I haven't been doing my assignments and if she finds out I've been slacking off, it's off with my head and then some". 

"She'll be the least of your worries Harper, trust me"

"You said not to trust anyone" Harper gave him a cocky glare.

"You're being childish. Grow up!" he was fuming with anger "There are things you need to know before we depart."

"Yeah well the sooner the better" harper finally understood the urgency of the matter.

"Agreed, now there will be people, creatures rather, that will want your blood. You mustn't let that happen"

"Why me? This is because I didn't do my math homework is it. I wanted to honestly- okay no, that's a lie- but I meant to do it then I noticed I got a notification on my phone and here it was just a lousy game invite-"

"No, Harper" he was unamused as evident on his poker face.

"Is it because of that time I stole Emily's pencil and scratched the inside of my nose with it and then put it back in her bag, knowing she would chew on it—"

"No." Irritation and disgust showing on the demons face.

"Well if you ask me, she deserved it. She can be a huge sore on my bum most days. On anyone's bum, really"

The demon glared at him. "I-"

"You what!? I don't know you!"

"I am your father, Harper!" He paused to take in Harper's surprise. "Demons and other impure creatures are coming for your blood. Let that sink in, and whatever you do- do not let them possess what I am about to give you." He handed Harper a necklace with a small horn attached to the chain. "It will help protect you so long as you wear it and believe in its power. As you develop your... abilities you will find less use for it for you will be able to handle whatever is thrown at you. For you are Harper Deus Daemon son of Deus Cheryl and Daemon Slade. Deep in your mother's lineage, there was a god and his blood runs through your veins. I am the god of higher class demons and my blood runs through you. I am not a pure god for my blood is that of a demon. It is against the divine law for a human to have the blood of both a demon and a god. So in order for the divine court to restore balance they have unleashed hell on earth. Apaah the ruler of hell is in charge of finding you, and when he does. May the heavens have mercy on the battle to come."

"My father died when I was an infant. You are an imposter!"

"I was thrown in the darkest corner of hell for conceiving you. They tried to make me pay for what I have done" clear anger in his voice.

"Fine, then I don't want to do it. Seems like a lot of responsibilities. So no thanks" Harper turned to walk away but before he could take two steps he walked into something foul. "But you were just... what... huh?" Harper could not apprehend how the demon got in front of him so quickly with little noise.

"Harper you cannot defy prophecy."

"So let 'em have me then. I mean, as long as I don't have to deal with Mrs. Reinheart anymore I am down for that. One less mouth to feed anyway."

"Harper, the divine court's intentions are not good one's. If they get your blood they will overthrow the gods themselves."

"I'm good thanks. What makes you think I want that kind of responsibility? I am a human, last I've checked humans don't have any special 'abilities' unless you're either psychic or you're crazy and if you're crazy you get sent to the loony bin which I think you could use a day trip to, actually more like a good long vacation to the loony—"

"Shhhhhh!" The demon raised his hand in the air pointing one finger skyward as if to silence him. In the distance, they could hear what sounded like thunder.

Thunder? But the storm is on the opposite side...I swear I see figures moving under a dust cloud on the horizon... "Is that thunder coming from over there?"

"You wish." The demon had a tone of sarcasm, urgency, and panic in his voice. Without taking his eyes off of the source of the sound, he rushed towards Harper. Harper stood there with his eye wide and his mouth agape as he was unsure and afraid of what was happening as the demon used the tip of the horn necklace to prick Harper's finger. As soon as he did that the black horn seemed to drain its black color into Harpers skin with the consistency of what looked like tar, and to his surprise he was not bleeding from the prick hole, it had sealed up as the last of the black from the horn leaked into and under his skin. He panicked and started hyperventilating then screamed in fear as the ink was visible through his skin. He screamed in pain as he watched it travel in the vein under his skin. He felt it settle on his chest, and it burned and burned as he pulled down his collar to see the source of his pain. It was searing hot and burned like hell. It looked to be a symbol of some kind, it was red and slowly transitioned into black and just like that the pain subsided. 

Harper was full of sweat from the rush and adrenaline. He became delirious and everything started spinning. "I don't (hiccup) feel so good" He turned pale and was stumbling. Before he could fall over, his father who was apparently a demon picked him up. Barely conscious and very weak his body went limp. In his spinning, hazy, upsidedown vision, he saw the forms grow nearer. Slowly his eyes closed and the world went black.

HarperNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ