chapter 20

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~the next day~

Third POV

The defense team was in the lecture hall, while the offense team was out, Kurama and Shukaku is back at their dimension saying that they will be back if (Y/n) is endanger, she just have to call/summon them.

As (Y/n) was 'hacking' the files of the Port Mafia, but in reality, she was just really playing Minecraft and was fighting some mobs, while Kenji was watching her playing it in awe,(because she already knew the important information and besides, her uncle is Mori the current Port Mafia leader.) As Ranpo complained about being bored.

"I have nothing to do~ I wanna go out~" said Ranpo.

"The Mafia will snap your head." Yosano stated and sighed at his actions as she was checking the security cameras that surrounded the whole building.

"Nothing out of ordinary on the security cameras?" The president asked "so far, it's all boring." Yosano answered, (Y/n) looked up from her tablet. "We still shouldn't keep our guard down. But also, isn't that a good thing?" (Y/n) stated.

"This lecture hall has no regular entrances. The only way to storm this place would be through the unused underground railway." Fukuzawa the president exclaimed.

"So if our enemies tries to get in, they will be spotted by the security camera there. Not to mention all of the traps that are set along the rail way. They can hardly attempt an invasion in this terrain without a force of considerable size." Yosano added.

"War is so boring! I've exhausted my reserves of sweets in less than a day!" Ranpo complained as he plopped his head on to the table.

(Y/n) just giggled at him. "Don't worry Ranpo-kun, when this is over, I can cook some cupcakes or cookies for you and for everyone." (Y/n) smiled and pat his head, a unnoticeable blush appeared on his cheeks. Ranpo look at what (Y/n) is doing and saw her playing something, instead of hacking.

"Hey! Why didn't you tell me you were just playing all the time instead of hacking!" Ranpo pointed out.

"I was finished hacking! And I was bored!" (Y/n) exclaimed. 'lies.'

"Let's play mahjong on this Yosano-san!" Ranpo said as he took ath laptop from Yosano. "Oh? On what stakes?"

The second Ranpo had the laptop, his eyes widened making (Y/n) pause at her game and look at what it is.

"Is something wrong?" Yosano asked

"President..." Ranpo called as (Y/n) faced the laptop. "Oh no." She said

"We'd better summon the defense teams back to the base."

"How many?"


Fukuzawa saw the security cameras and his eyes widened on the sight that Chuuya was the one attacking them.

"Cameras no. 2 and 5 are down!"

"Activate the automatic gun emplacements!"

"Receiving an encore with these little puppets?" Chuuya said, (Y/n) was clearly displeased at what is happening by now, because she doesn't like violence one bit.

"You're so undermanned I could cry. It's pitiful detectives."

"Come out! Whoever's alive in there!" Chuuya called as (Y/n) made her decision to confront him.

"Mr. President... I'll distract him." (Y/n) declared. "Ehh?!?! (Y/n)-chan! You can't do that!" Ranpo exclaimed but (Y/n) only smiled. "I'll be fine don't worry." She pat his shoulder marking him with the seal and walked out.

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