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"Now, listen well Y/N. I will demonstrate the wooden dummy one last time, watch closely and be sure to pay attention to my positions and movements." An elderly man known as Ip Ching, the son of the famous and legendary Ip Man, tells his last student, a boy named Y/N L/N , to pay attention as he performs the routine for the wooden dummy for the final time. You see, Ip Ching has contracted an incurable illness that will surely kill him. In his age of nearly reaching one hundred years old, it was to be inevitable that he should leave the world after teaching one last student.

"Yes, Master Ip." Y/N says, nodding firmly as he watches his master do the wooden dummy slowly but with medium strength punches and low kicks as well. All the while, the young boy seems to start shedding tears. This will be the last time he will be able to see his master at work, sooner or later, he will leave Y/N with all that he has taught him and continue to hone his skills. ever since he came to Hong Kong, Y/N fell in love with the craft of Wing Chun, fell in love with the philosophy, the delicate movements that turn into strong hits. He loved it all, and now, one of the last things he will remember of Hong Kong is of his master doing one final routine.

Once Master Ip Ching finishes his routine, he turns to Y/N, who is already in tears from the realization that he may never see his master ever again, so the two of them embrace in a hug full of so many emotions, sadness, happiness, pride, everything that the two of them will remember.

"I am so proud of you, Y/N." Ip Ching says in Chinese, which the boy understands well. No words can be said for Y/N as he continues to sob into his master's shoulder, letting out all of his emotions.

"Thank you, master. I will always remember what you've taught me, and I will use them to the best of my abilities." Y/N says shakily after a few minutes of hugging before they break the hug and smile at one another...

Y/N wakes up with a tear in his eye, a dream, no, more like a memory he relives as he slept. Currently, he is on a car ride to California, specifically San Fernando Valley, where his father has gotten a promotion to his work there. His mother, a housewife, talks to Y/N's father about other things, until she turns to her son and becomes worried when he sees the tear in his eye.

"Honey, are you okay? What's wrong...?" She asks worriedly, and Y/N's father looks at his son from the middle rearview mirror. Y/N wipes the tear from his eye hurriedly before sitting up.

"I-I'm alright,'s just that...I can't believe master Ip Ching is gone now..." Y/N says softly, remembering all the times he and his master had fun or when he learned valuable lessons from his wise old mentor.

"I know, son. He was a great person, always had something good to say to anyone that had problems. But sometimes we all have to go..." His father says, hoping that can ease his son's worries as they start to pull up to the town. A quiet town, San Fernando Valley is, and this is where the L/N's will be staying for the remainder of their lives or until another promotion comes up for the patriarch of the family. 

Later on, they settle into the house quite well, with Y/N getting a room of his own, a single bed, a guitar by the side of it, a desk for his studies, and opposite those items is a wooden dummy, more specifically THE wooden dummy that was last used by Master Ip Ching. Y/N walks over to the wooden dummy and grabs onto one of the wooden prongs that stick out of the dummy and gives it a shake before he settles into his Wing Chun stance and starts to enact the routine his master had showed him before he passed. The bone on wood contact can be heard from his parents downstairs, smiling to the source of the sound and then to themselves. If they could thank Master Ip Ching for what Wing Chun has done to their son, they would, over and over again...

A/N: Hello everyone. It's been a while hasn't it, well I have done a lot of thinking and a lot of processing, and I've had my ups and downs while I was away from wattpad, and well, all I can say is that I am not dead yet. It's just that burnout can be a stressful thing to over come nowadays. Other than that, I am fine for the most part. Next chapter will be about who you'd like to have as a love interest for this book, and I'm sure that you can or might guess from who those lovely ladies are from the show. But we'll get to that in the next chapter. Anyways, thank you so much for reading this and I will see you in the next chapter. BYE!

Fire In Our Hearts (Cobra Kai x Wing Chun/Jeet Kune Do Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now