Is that love? Part 2

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after class you go to the cafeteria ,and want to have lunch.
you look around with the tablet you are holding in your hand,where your lunch is already on it.You see liz waving at you
-Liz :,, y/n!! join us''

you nod and sit down with the others at the table
- Liz:,, and how was your first day?''
- y/n:,, actually quite good. I met really nice people''
-Liz:,, that's nice!''
-Liz,, By the way, these are Benny,Lexy and Katherine'' says liz and smiles at me.
- Y/n:,, Nice to meet you.''
- Katherine:,, You can call me kat, that's my nickname, it's easier than Katherine''
the boy across from you, looks at you and says :,, are you new here?''
- y/n: ,,yep.I just moved here with my parents because of that job from my father''
- Lexy:,, how cool!! What's your father's job?''said the red haired girl
- y/n:,, umm.. he.. he works at a company but I forgot the name'' you lying because you don't want everyone to know who your father is.
- Lexy:,, how exciting!''
- Katherine ,, and ? Have you already found a boy you like?''
- y/n:,, well not really.''

an hour goes by and you say goodbye to your new friends. you walk down the hallway to the exit and wait for Happy to pick you up.

you mumble to yourself
-y/n: ,, Where stays happy,I wait half an eternity..''
you get a call
-Happy:,, y/n? I'm sorry ,I can't pick you up''
-Y/n:,, Oh no, I'll take the bus.''

you walk to the bus stop to wait for the bus that will come in 30 minutes.You sit down and look at your phone,so that the time goes by faster.Suddenly you hear an unfamiliar voice.

-Unknown:,,Hey! Stark! what is it like to lie to everyone?!''

You just looking out and You see a boy coming your way that I've only seen once before had seen biology lessons.

-Y/n: I do not know what you mean!!''you say you annoyed.
-Unknown:,, stop lying you little bitch''
-Y/n: what the hell...what is your problem?!''
-Unknown:,, you are my problem. You lie.You say Tony Stark isn't your father and that you are not related to him.But he is and you know it!!''
-y/n:,, who the fuck are you?!''
-Unknown: my father used to work for your father. AND THEN YOUR FATHER QUIT MY FATHER'S JOB!!''he started yelling at you. Suddenly he walks up to you angrily.
-Unknown:,,you little bitch,because of your family my father doesn't have a job anymore''

He's getting faster and it looks like he's about to hit you
you hear a voice that sounds familiar to you. you look to the side and see how the brown-haired boy peter runs towards you and the boy.

-peter:,, fuck off Luis!!''

Apparently the boy who tried to hit you was called Luis.
-Luis:,, and what if not Parker? do you wanna spank me?!''he says and laughs.
-Peter:,, Leave her alone. She didn't do anything to you.''
if peter only knew why luis freaked out so much..

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