Chapter 2 - Perspectives

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With the summer sun overhead, I yawned and leaned back more on the bench I was on. The main reason I'm here is to broaden my horizons to hopefully get me past my slump, and so I thought that maybe going to someplace like Shibuya would be a neat change of perspective, and I'm just as much surprised by the difference between the wide open main streets compared to the more closed in side streets as I am by the difference between Shibuya and Seattle.

As I returned to Shibuya Crossing, planning to take the subway to my next stop, I saw that on a billboard was Iori, alongside some other girls.

"Right, they said something about Iori being an idol, didn't they?" I said to myself. I gotta admit that it's impressive, and I kinda wonder what she looks like performing. Maybe I should ask her about that some time.

"Wait, what was I doing?" I asked myself. I get distracted by whatever other thoughts pop into my head so often and forget what I was doing too often, and need some way to move past that. Typically I can focus the best at a special place outside of Seattle and while painting, but it's impossible to do the first, and the second is hard just because I'm having trouble getting into it

After a moment I decided that I might as well head back to the house and hopefully finish the painting I've been working on since my first day. I'd like to think I've gotten enough enrichment for the day.


Iori's Perspective

As I took a break from dance practice, I sat beside my friend, Yayoi, who asked "Hey, is something up? You seem a bit distracted"

I turned to her and said "A couple days ago, the son of one of Father's friends ended up coming from overseas to stay with us for a year, and I don't know what to think of him."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yayoi asked

"I can never tell what he's thinking, and he seems to get distracted so quickly that it's really annoying to get his attention." I said. And yet when I do get his attention, he'll either try to tease me or be really nice and considerate, I really don't know what to think about him...

"I see, well I'm sure that you two will start to understand each other eventually." Yayoi said

"I suppose so, but I don't expect it to happen anytime soon." I said

"Alright girls, break's over." the dance instructor said, clapping and walking up to us. I then got up alongside Yayoi and returned to practice.


Y/n's Perspective

As I sat on the railing of the entrance to the house, I looked past the garden and the walls surrounding the place and out at the sky, my mind now in my own little world of fantasies, wondering and imagining whatever popped into my head. I wanna talk to Iori about something, so I figured I'd wait for her here.

However, I guess I ended up too far in my head, because I jumped slightly when I heard a voice beside me say "You know, Father will be mad if he finds you there" And because of that slight jump, I lost my balance, and fell flat on my face.

"You alright?" Iori asked, giggling

"I'm fine..." I said, sitting up. I gotta admit, she does sound cute when she laughs.

Iori held her hand out to help me up, which I took

"In any case, why were you laying there?" Iori asked

"I was actually waiting for you but I ended up too zoned out." I said

"Huh? How come?"

"On my first day here while we were in the garden, I said I'd show you why I was taking such a close look at the roses when it was done. And well, it's done now." I said

"Oh really?" she said, curious

"Yeah, I have it in my room right now if you wanna take a look." I said

After Iori agreed to come check it out, we headed up to my room, and as we entered my room, I pointed in the far corner, there was a painting sitting on an easel. The painting displayed my closest approximation of my dream, a light wrapped and surrounded by rose briars with roses dotting the surface.

"It's still drying, but that's why I was so focused on the rose bushes." I said

"I should have figured it was for one of your paintings. But still, I can see why you were so focused on them, they really do look like the vines out on the rose bushes." Iori said

"Thanks. Unfortunately though I don't know if I can call this a success." I said

"What? How come?" Iori said, surprised

"Well for one I was able to really get into the zone and go all out, but that isn't the main issue." I said "I was painting an image from my dream, but rather than making it feel like the warm presence was creeping out from the thorns, it just looks like it's being swallowed instead."

"What does that matter? It still looks good." Iori said, seemingly annoyed

"Maybe, but I could have done better, and I could have expressed what I felt better." I said "I'm just stagnating I guess."

"You dummy! I said it looks good so just take the compliment!" Iori said before leaving the room in a huff. I guess this whole thing is a matter of perspective, maybe to her it looks good and I'm just being too pedantic, and the whole thing about being in a slump seems like a lie to her. But to me, I really feel like I'm stuck, unable to move forward and not able to enjoy what I'm passionate about anymore.


Iori's Perspective

As I left Y/n's room and headed to my own, I felt so frustrated at Y/n. Even while being in a slump like he said, he's able to paint something like that, but the dummy is still putting himself down like that. Doesn't he have any pride? And why does it bother me so much to see him be so harsh on himself?

I felt myself holding onto Usa-chan, my rabbit, a little bit tighter, I let out a sigh, loosening my grip, and continued back to my room, deciding I'll figure out how I feel about Y/n another time, rather than keep thinking about it so much now.


A/n: Maybe I actually should have saved this chapter for tomorrow so it'd come out on her birthday

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