~ It's You

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The basic story is same as shown in the show. But here by the time of Akshara and Abhimanyu's marriage, Neil and Aarohi have reduced their constant and silly fighting, and have started to develop a rather casual bond (though they still cannot live without having banters once in a while lol!)


"Why is it always me.." Aarohi sighed as she rolled her eyes towards the mid-day bright blue sky above. Getting up after almost an hour of loneliness, she stepped towards the balcony for some fresh air to restore herself from all the chaos that had took place that day.

Aarohi Goenka, the daughter of Karthik Goenka and Sirat Goenka always had an inner feeling that she was not taken into much consideration as her sister, Akshara who actually happened to be her half-sister. The fact that her mother was the second wife of her father and that she was his second daughter somehow made her assume that she never got the care and affection from the family like her elder sister. More than just this, it was trust and faith that she craved from her family, which she unfortunately didn't receive completely. Despite this, she never had jealousy, disliking, hatred or any such feelings for Akshara as she felt that her sister deserved all of that love, care and affection genuinely. Anyways, she ended up assuming that there was some unknown fault in herself which was the reason for her unhappiness as she could visibly find no other reason.

But why was she upset that day? Well, it was all due to what had happened that morning. As known, Akshara Goenka and Abhimanyu Birlas' wedding preparations were proceeding smoothly when a sudden accident took place whose blame was put upon Aarohi, 'as usual' like what she feels. The families along with Akshara and Abhimanyu were seated at the hall shortly after the Birlas' arrived at the Goenka Villa; discussing the marriage rituals and other stuffs while Aarohi came walking from her room on the first floor. Accidently her dupatta pushed the delicate glass vase placed on the railing and it began to fall right at the spot where Akshara was sitting with her fiancée. Luckily, upon noticing on time, Abhimanyu dragged Akshara along with himself away from the sofa and saved her. Both the families were shocked by the incident but were later thankful that no tragedy took place. Aarohi who was dumbstruck, came running to Akshara at once, apologised her for her mistake and hugged her emotionally. But, the drama didn't end here. Abhimanyu stormed towards Aarohi and inculpated that she made the vase fall on Akshara intentionally. Though Aarohi tried to defend herself by explaining that it was a plain accident and she didn't mean to do it, he was not ready to give any attention to her words.

"Why would I do that to my sister?? Why would I want to hurt her?? Why would I try to take her life??" Aarohi cried out.

"Because, you are jealous of her and you know why you are jealous! Infact, we all know what's the reason for your jealousy!" Abhimanyu yelled, pointing a finger at her.

"Abhi.. Abhi please.. please stop Abhi!" Akshara tried to halt him but in vain, he was uncontrollable.

"No!! You are wrong! Why would I be jealous of her! That was the past! It's all over now and I've really moved on! I have no such intentions! How many times should I prove myself!? Please stop blaming me for each and everything! I am saying the truth! I didn't do it knowingly!!" Aarohi shrieked, literally joining her palms in front of her to-be brother-in-law as heavy tears rolled down her cheeks.

Meanwhile Akshara's heart tore down for her sister, but she was helpless.

"I don't trust you," Abhimanyu ended with an angry glare.

There was absolute silence for an instance, which broke once Aarohi turned towards her family only to see them stand still. She sinked noticing that none of them tried to calm the situation nor tried to pacify Abhimanyu nor tried to defend her. She uttered softly with teary eyes, "Don't you all trust me too..?" and the reply she got was mere silence again. Her family members just shared some disappointed glances with each other, and at last all of them looked at her sadly.

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