23 1 15

shuyangs hold on zeyus arm tightened as a small residence came into sight. fear enveloped him as he imagined what may happen to him once he entered the house, past experiences with placing his trust in different groups weighing down on him heavily. shuyang found zeyu to be a rather talkative person, it seemed he always had something to say even when shuyang didnt respond to him. he only occasionally tuned into whatever zeyu was rambling about, apparently he was 16 and lived with four other people. they considered themselves an 'adventuring' team, though they didnt belong to an alliance.

zeyu quieted down as the two boys reached the front door of the home, shuyang gulping as zeyu pushed the door open easily and pulled shuyang inside with him. the interior was cozy, nothing beyond casual. a living area with a kitchen close beside it and a table surrounded by chairs, or at least that was about as much as shuyang could see. it was clear the house was occupied, items strewn about the different rooms.

"whos home?!" zeyus shout shocked shuyang out of the small trance he was in, zeyu leading him towards a grey couch to rest on. shuyang plopped down, landing with a hiss as the pain shot up his leg once again. he mentally scolded himself for getting injured so badly, otherwise he wouldnt be in this damned situation.

"just me!" a voice came from a different room, likely somewhere on the floor above them. shuyang first flinched among hearing the voice, still not used to being around more than one person at a time.

"good! i needed you anyways, come here!" zeyu responded, grabbing something out of a cabinet in the kitchen area. the walked back towards shuyang, a large silver tin clasped in his hands. shuyang whipped his head around as he heard footsteps descend the staircase behind him, heart still pounding in his chest. another boy came into view, wearing brown shorts and a white tunic. he had sharp, yet comforting eyes and for some reason that made shuyang uneasy. the boy cocked his head as his eyes locked with shuyangs, clearly confused at the scene before him.

"whos this?" he asked, walking into the living area where shuyang and zeyu sat. he stood with his hands propped to his hips as zeyu let out a small 'oh!' noise, getting up and gesturing to the dark haired boy before the two of them.

"zihao, this is shuyang. shuyang, zihao." zeyu introduced, shuyang unable to build up enough courage to show zihao anything except a small nod in acknowledgment. zihao gave him a confused look, likely at the boys lack of communication before zeyu spoke again. "he was getting chased by moira and got injured, he needs some help." zihao seemed to perk up at the dreaded organizations name, following where zeyus hand gestured to shuyangs mangled foot. zihao let out a sigh, before nodding and walking towards where zeyu placed down the mysterious tin.

zihao kneeled down in front of shuyang, the boy recoiling just a bit at the sudden closeness. he swallowed thickly as zihao propped his ankle up to his thigh, hissing quietly. zihao looked at him with concern for a moment before looking back down to his foot. upon the tin being opened, there were several rolls of bandage, a few bottles of unknown liquids (some glowing), along with some other small medical equipment.

zihao was quick getting to work, patching up the young boys injured limb as best he could. shuyang bit into his knuckle, trying to ease off at least a little bit of the pain if possible. zihao's movements were meticulous and precise whilst he mumbled to himself quietly, seemingly upset at shuyangs situation.

"fucking moira... what do they get from going after kids?" he seethed as he wrapped a bright white bandage around shuyangs freshly cleaned wound, the boy feeling as though he'd almost pass out from the amount of pain he'd endured just then.

zeyu shrugged, moving himself around to get a bit closer to the two, "you know moira, they'll go after anyone who's not strictly on their side." he explained almost casually, it was more than upsetting how accustomed they were to moiras schemes. zihao only shook his head, lightly tucking the end of the bandage near the edge before zeyu spoke again. "like, remember xinlong when we first met him? when he-" zihao sucked in a sharp breath, finally releasing shuyangs wrapped foot and pushing himself up off the floor.

"stop it, i dont wanna think about that." zihao whined, making his way into the kitchen connected to the room, a whispered 'my poor longlong' leaving his lips as he entered the other room. zeyu let out a soft chuckle at the boys reaction, leaning over to shuyang to whisper into the boys ear.

"xinlong is zihaos boyfriend, he stays with us." zeyu started, earning a slightly shocked look from shuyang (who could never imagine having enough time even for friends, little know a partner). "we met him when he was like half dead two years ago because of moira." zeyu explained, shuyang nodding in understanding. his stomach flipped at the idea, seeing as these boys didnt seem much older than him.

zihao soon returned, a glass of water and a peach clasped in his hands, "so your telling strangers our life stories now?" the boy questioned with a smirk, holding the food out for shuyang to take. shuyang looked at the tall boy in surprise, hesitating to accept the items from him. zihao gave the boy a comforting smile, placing the peach and water down onto the table next to his seat. he soon sat down with zeyu, whos arms were crossed over his chest.

"i dont think he's much of a stranger anymore, hes in our house." zeyu scoffed, zihao only shoving his shoulder lightly. the boys began talking about something shuyang didnt pay attention to, the boys mind only racing as he fidgited with his fingers and looked for something to say. hell, anything would be good at this point, being welcomed into someones home and not even having spoken yet.

".. thank you.." the boy finally spat out, letting out a deep breath and not meeting the two boys eyes, who he was sure were already on him. zihao brushed off the thanks, encouraging shuyang to eat as he went back to talking with his friend. shuyang didnt wait much longer, gratefully eating the food provided to him.

he stayed where he was sat, getting just a bit more comfortable in his spot as he let the sound of talking drown out any and all of his thoughts. for the first time in a long while, shuyang relaxed. he hadnt let his guard down since he started his new life alone, barely having enough time to sleep at night without jumping up at every sound. for once he didnt feel like prey waiting to be killed, he was welcome somewhere that genuinely felt like a safe area.

after a short while of sitting silently as the boys talked, footsteps and voices sounded from outside of the front door, getting closer second by second. he heard zihao mumble something along the lines of 'their back', whilst zeyu perked up excitedly. shuyang tensed up as the houses doorknob turned, when the door was pushed open and three people proceeded to walk inside, shuyang flinching. voices flooded the room, shuyang watching as zeyu sprung up off the couch and ran towards the three figures. zeyu latched onto one of the boys, the latter chuckling and wrapping an arm around him.

"didnt think you'd be home." he said, before his eyes landed on shuyang. it didnt take too long for the two other unknown people to also focus in on the new presence in the room, and suddenly shuyang felt small under the plethora of gazes.

//huu i love writing this story 🥲🥲🥲🥲 i hope you enjoyed ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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