Announcer: And their tag team partner, from Yamaguchi, Japan, weighing at 229lbs, THE PRODIGY, REN HOSAKO!

I did my entrance, went into the ring and waited for the UE as I fist bumped Hanson and Rowe while we waited.

When the UE came out, we were ready to go as they made their entrance.

Announcer: And their opponents, the Undisputed Era!

They all made their entrance as they got into the ring, Adam did his thing and the three of us made the decision to attack them as they finished their entrance.

Once they did, we ambushed them, as I went after Adam, Hanson went after Fish, and Rowe went after O'Reily, my first opponent in NXT.

While I was on Adam, I was palming his head, trying to weaken him a bit, but he threw me off, and I gave him a forearm to his jaw.

He no sold that strike as he went to the ropes, but I followed him, he went for a clothesline, but I ducked, turned around behind him, and locked in my Sleeper Hold.

He started getting weak for a bit and I was going to lock in the Fujiwara Armbar, but Fish had to come in and rescue him.

I wasn't deterred by that, so I took off my jacket, threw it out of the ring, and looked to get into action as Adam was in his corner.


The bell rang and Adam and I looked to relive our instant classic match from a month ago. We locked up and I gave him a headlock takedown as I crossed my legs on his head. Adam wanted to kick out, but he can't because I have my legs and knees locked in tight.

Adam eventually did by holding down my legs and locking in a heel hook, but I reversed it into a heel hook of my own until he grabbed the bottom rope to break the hold.

Adam tagged out to O'Reily as I tagged out to Rowe, who was just showing so much intensity that I think this was the best idea possible.

The two went at it with stiff strikes and at one point, Rowe threw Kyle to the corner and performed a crossbody onto the guy!

So far, this match was going to be good.

~10 Minutes Later~

Turned out, I was right.

This match has been getting good as Fish held Hanson in a chokehold, but Rowe and I, we were hyping up the fans, trying to get everyone on their feet and helping Hanson to get out of there.

It was a success as Hanson crawled to our corner. I had my hand out for him to tag me in as Fish tagged in Adam and I was tagged in, making the fans go wild.

I performed two arm drags on Adam, a dropkick to a corner, I shoulder blocked his chest and an enziguiri kick. I went to the top rope, I went for a splash and I connected!

I covered Adam but he kicked out at 2, which I'm not upset about. I knew what I was going to do next, joint manipulation.

I held up Adam's arm, bended his hand, then his arm and I locked in an Armbar, not the Fujiwara Armbar because that's the main finish.

Adam looked like he was going to tap out, but of course Fish and O'Reily had to come in and break it up. It wasn't too long before Hanson and Rowe came in and started bashing them around and throwing them around to the point that Adam was back on his feet.

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