Eli quickly turned around and saw Mara high in the sky, her knife aiming straight at his neck. He pushed Penny out of the way, and he quickly moved to avoid the attack. He tried to hit her with his sword, but doing that only led him into more trouble. She predicted the attack, and stabbed his arm so that he dropped his weapon.

"AGH!" Eli screamed. "What the- No!"

He tried to pick it up, but Mara kicked her face and stunned him. He dropped to the ground, and saw that she had picked up the sword.

"Let's see if this weapon is as powerful as it looks..." Mara said as she grinned.

While Eli was still on the floor, Mara jumped to stab the sword in his chest. His eyes widened as he knew he was in utter danger, so he quickly created a barrier above him. The sword was able to pierce through, making it be way too close for comfort. Eli put all his force into pushing her away, so much that the barrier turned blue. From there, it was easy to push Mara and the weapon away, giving him the time he needed to stand up.

"That thing again!? How many times are you going to do that! UGH!" Mara said as she lost her patience. "I CAN'T STAND YOU AND YOUR BULLSHIT!"

The storm grew in strength, and thunderbolts became more common around them. Eli knew he could use them to his advantage, but he needed to get his sword back. He had to get his sword back, but stealing it from Mara's hands wasn't going to be an easy task.

"Fucking hell, this isn't going to be easy..." Eli thought.

"You've said it, not me..." Mara replied with a devilish laugh.

She rushed to attack Eli, but he could avoid the attacks easily. He could tell that she was struggling to adapt to the sword's weight, thing that he took advantage of. He quickly moved out of the sword's way every time it was swung, but he didn't fight back just yet. He pushed her when he felt in danger, but he let her waste her energy so he had a chance to attack.

"Trying to delay the inevitable, I see..." Mara said, Eli noticing the exhaustion in her voice.

"Well, how convenient is that..." Eli said as he caught a smirk.

He rushed to kick Mara, knowing that she wasn't going to keep up with his speed. He easily got behind her back and kicked her in her neck as hard as he could. She fell from the pain, dropping the sword as she fell along with it. Eli quickly picked it up and jumped, trying to stab her in the chest to end this once and for all. But she was able to move away from it.

"I think someone's tired!" Eli said as he laughed a little. "Why don't you just let me win, huh? You can't keep up with me!"

"Oh, I know..." Mara said as she panted. "But this battle is far from over, AND I'M GOING TO WIN IT!"

She summoned lots of shadows to stop Eli from moving, but she forgot that they weren't alone in that battlefield. Echo howled with force, and focused on killing all the shadows so that Eli wouldn't have to mess with them.

"How annoying can your stupid dog be!?" Mara screamed.

"He's a fucking WOLF!" Eli said as he attacked her.

He was finally able to get a clean cut on her arm. She screamed, and she looked at Eli as hatred grew bigger and bigger inside her. Before she could try and defend herself, Eli was already making his next move. He punched her right in the face, followed it with a straight punch to the belly, and kicked her away so she would fall. He knew she wasn't going to hang in there for longer, but he was also starting to reach his breaking point.

"Just give up already!" Eli screamed, a little desperate.

"That's a bold thing for you to request..." Mara said as she got up. She covered her bleeding arm, not being able to keep her balance. "You really think I'm going to listen to you!?"

Eli secretly looked around and noticed that the shadows were gone. Echo was now free to help him, and he decided that his pet should have a little fun.

"Maybe you won't listen to me, but what about him?" Eli said as he snapped his fingers and pointed at Mara. Echo quickly rushed and bit her ankle, making her drop to the floor. She created a dark barrier to avoid getting bitten more, her heart beating faster every passing second.

"GET OFF ME!" Mara screamed as her patience reached its limits. She quickly got up and kicked Echo really far, making him cry in pain. She wanted to catch her breath, but Eli didn't plan on letting that happen. He quickly rushed to attack, his sword holding a blue glow from all the electric charges it was holding. She knew that if she got hit, all that power would go straight to her body, and just thinking about it was scary. She dodged every attack, doing all she could to avoid getting hurt. Eli started to get tired, so he thought about another way to attack her.

"What!? PENNY! I told you to stay away!" Eli screamed.

"WHERE'S THAT LITTLE BITCH!?" Mara said as she quickly turned around.

"Heh, you fell for it..."

Eli quickly kicked her and pushed her back, and Echo rushed to bite Mara's shoulder. The impact made her turn around, and as she did he saw Eli swinging his sword. The electric charge got shot out, and it collided right in the chest. She couldn't even scream from the pain, she just gasped and jolted without being able to do something else. At last, the electricity went away and she fell to the floor, speechless and exhausted.

"You were a tough opponent, I'll tell you that much." Eli said as his breathing got heavier. "But this is a game I was meant to win, and you've ran out of lives..."

Eli raised his sword so it held another electric charge. He then created a blue fireball and bathed the sword with it. The blade was glowing so strong it was painful to directly look at it, and Eli knew this could break anything that was put in its path. He jumped really high and pointed the weapon down, ready to stab Mara's chest. The closer he got, the more relief he felt that this was all going to be over. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but when he opened them again he saw something that made his heart stop.

"What the-! No, NO, NO!!!" Eli said as he realized what was happening.

Mara was holding the orb above her, placed directly where the sword would land. He tried to move, but it was too late, the sword collided with the orb, breaking it instantly.

"Why end the game when you can continue it?" Mara said as she ominously laughed.

Eli felt a strange light shining right in his face. He couldn't move, and nothing around him seemed to move either. Lots of swirls of light started flying around him, and they all flew right into the light in his chest. It was time he remembered everything that had caused him to arrive to this place...

More Than A God (IV)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin