Chapter 2 Lost in Spice

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It was later that day Jack was in his cave, He was working on his invention again. "Man that girl was wo mysterious not to forget angry, I wouldn't mind meeting her again" Jack said in his head.

"What are you thinking," wuya interrupted. "Leave me to my mind wuya!" Jack said. "Your thinking of that girl aren't you!," Wuya says confidently.
"NO!" Jack said straightly hiding his embarrassment as Jack began to work on his invention again.

Later on that evening Jack was reading a book looking casually from time to time out the cave window to see if she would walk by.

But no sign of her appeared. Jack sat back in his seat with a pout and decided to go of to bed. Jack got  into his pajamas and jumped into bed with his Teddy bear and drifted of too sleep.

Suddenly a loud thump came from outside. Jack instantly woke up and ran to the cave entrance were he found wuya already watching. "What's happening !" "Your girl is back Jack" wuya responds plainly.
"WAIT really" Jack says with shock.
Jack looks down at the the dessert to see the green and black girl digging with a massive machine into the ground.

Jack runs to get his clothes on and goggle, double checks his red hair in the mirror and runs holds his flying machine and places it on his coat.
Jack excitedly jumps down from his cave, but forgets to turn his flying machine on and falls on his face into the sand. "What are you doing here?!" Shego says startled. "Well O figured you would want  company with whatever your doing". Jack says confidently.

Shego rolls her eyes, "Okay! you can help with this," I am trying to dig a whole deep enough so I can hide Dr drakkens invention". Shego says in a serious tone. "Ooo I love digging wholes, I do that a lot methaporically speaking too". Jack smiles proudly at his joke, while shego stares at him with a serious look while raising her eyebrow. "Okay c'mon help me or I will Bury you in this hole too!" She says in an angry voice.

"Okay, okay, okay, ..."Jack says. Jack grabs a spade at the back the machine and begins to dig. While Shego begins to turn back on the machine and remove the top layers of sand. "Man, this sure is hard work...right?". Jack says out of breath. Shego rolls her eyes, "cmon we don't have long". She says irritated.

"Who is this drak guy anyway?" Sego exhales "he's boring old stupid inventor that thinks I'm nothing but a thing." Shego explains. Jack gulps", an inventor..." Jack exclaims. "Yes an inventor,  do I have to repeat myself" shego responds. "Well I think inventors are pretty cool" Jack explains awkwardly.
"There just low lifes that make stuff out of junk" shego smiles a mean grin.

Jack exhales in deafeat "your mean", Jack looks down at the ground and digs more. "Oh I'm sorry your an inventor huh, oops I didn't realise" Shego says sarcastically with her hand over her mouth with an exagerrated expression. "Let's get back to digging" Shego says suddenly breaks out of her sarcasm.

"So who is this drakken guy anyway, is he like your boyfriend or dad?".
"EW!, He's like a hundred years old"  Shego shouts in disgust.
"Ahhhh you still live with your dad huh?" Jack says sarcastically. "No! Ew he created me" she snaps at him.
"Oh... you're a robot?" Jack says invested into the conversation.
"Who do you think you are you weirdo, a therapist?, if I was not on a time limit I would turn you into mushed peas right now!" she interrupts.

"Okay, I am sorry, man!?" Jack says confused. "Hurry up I know he will be heat soon" Shego grabs the invention and throws it into the hole. Jack watches while she pushes all the sand back into the hole. Shego  spreads the sand with her hand to make the ground look untouched.
While Jack bends down and pats the ground down to look busy.

"How come I have never seen you before!" Jack asks interested. Because Drakken decided to go to the desert to get supplies for his big evil plan" Shego says with Air quotes.
"Aha it is a pretty good place to get supplies for inventions. Jack says with a big smile. Shego looks at him strictly "your on his side now?" She crosses her arms. "Noo no no no, I'm on the side of... you... question mark?. Jack looks awkwardly and rubs the back of his neck. "Okay, well I gotta go before Drakken finds out I'm gone"  Shego begins the engine. Jack looks up, "wait before you, what is your name?" s Jack shouts over the engine humming. "Shego!" Shouts back.
Jack smiles a gentle smile while Shego drives away back to Dr Drakken.

"Man... I love her!!!" Jack says to himself. Jack flies back up to the cave entrance and runs through the cave,passed Wuya. "Wuya rolls her eyes while Jack runs into his room⅘ and jumps into his bed with a massive exhales of ecstasy and love "Man she is amazing, so mysterious, how old is she, where does she come from?". Thoughts were filling Jack's Jack's and all he wanted to do was daydream about this mysterious green and black girl that finally should be named. "Shego" that's her, huh such an epic amazing and beautiful name!" Jack says excitedly in his mind.

"Man, she doesn't know mine", I will tell her, I gotta see her again ....." Jack pauses. "Somehow?"Jack thinks to himself

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