Chapter Two

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"It's not the same, Draco...Your not my mom, But...I know daddy needs help, so I won't be rude, but I don't need a friend." James said, before he rolled over in the bed. Draco let out a sigh and walked to the door. "When you change your mind, I'll be here." Draco said. "Goodnight, Draco!" Albus waved and Draco smiled. "Goodnight, Albus." Draco said, before shutting the bedroom door to the boys room.
Draco knocked on the door to Lily's room. "It's open!" She said, sitting at her new mirror desk thing, before she plugged in her hair dryer. "Your daddy tells me your bedtime got extended recently." Draco said. "Just by an hour. It takes me longer to get ready for bed, Draco. My hair can't be wet, and I have to put my lotion and creams on." Lily said. "Your daddy tells me your skin is sensitive." Draco said. "It is. Daddy trusts me to get to bed by ten, Sometimes it's just a little after. Sometimes I need more cream and stuff." Lily said. "So you'll be in bed if I come in here at half after ten?" Draco said. "Fifteen after, at the latest." Lily said. "Alright. Goodnight, Lily."

Draco finished his shower and got ready for bed himself. It was a little after eleven, and Draco picked up the iPad. Daisy was asleep and Draco checked on the other three children, who was all asleep. So Draco opened his laptop, and sent a message to his mom, who was waiting on the okay to Skype. "Keep your voice low." Draco said softly. "What do you think?" She asked. "I think it will work out. James, the oldest boy, isn't very opened, but he's just missing his mom and it's a change." Draco said and she smiled slightly. "I'm sure he'll warm up to you. The neighborhood kids always did." She said and Draco smiled lightly. "I'm sure too. I...forgot to ask about the holiday." Draco whispered. "I... assumed you'd be busy. Starting the job and all before the holiday. Remind me the ages of the children? I'll send them something along with yours." She said. "Mama, you don't have to do that." Draco said. "I want to." She said. "9, 6, 3 and 1. Lily is more like a teenager, I feel like. She spent two hours getting ready for bed, and seems very mature as well." Draco said. "The baby is a girl or boy?" She asked. "Girl, the middle two are boys." Draco replied. "Alright, anything you think Mr. Potter might like?" She asked. "I don't know, Mama." Draco said. "Alright, Goodnight Son." She said. "Goodnight mama."

Daisy cried out about five that next morning. She couldn't get out of her crib and it was scary in her room. Her nightlight died. Draco hurried to her room, and turned on the lamp by the crib. "Daisy your okay." Draco said softly as she reached out for him. He picked her up out of her crib. He changed her diaper and grabbed the blanket. He sat down in the rocking chair. It was a little early for Daisy so she didn't fight laying down in Draco's arms as he rocked her back to asleep.
Draco carefully laid her back in the crib and changed the batteries in the nightlight before he exited the nursery. His alarm was sit to go off at six and it wasn't six yet so he laid back down on his bed and dozed off for the remainder half an hour.

The children were dressed and ready for the day, sitting around the dinner table waiting on breakfast to be made when Harry came down the stairs. Daisy holding a big pancake in her hand, with a bite taking out of it. "James, Lily. You'll have to hurry. I thought it was 753, not 735." Draco said, putting the two plates before the children. "You didn't tell me your were dyslexic." Harry said and Draco shrugged his shoulders. "Normally, if I read something enought time. It corrects.. Normally." Draco said kind of quite. "It's fine. I'll just have to be sure you know the correct times is all." Harry said, easing down at the table. Daisy giggled after taking another bite of her pancake and held it out for Harry to see. Harry smiled. "I see it!" Harry said, lending over to ruffle her hair.
Draco got the children to the bus stop on time, thankful, and seen them off, before he walked back into the house. Picking up his phone that dinged. He out his phone in his pocket, before turning his attention to the dishes and the two children still left in the house. "When are their last days? Do you know?" Draco asked little Albus. "I think Wednesday!" Albus said, before he pushed a chair over next to the sink and climbed up in it. "Albus helps." He smiled and Draco smiled. "I'd love a little help. Let me get the baby out the high chair at least." Draco said before he put Lily on her letting feet. She is watched Draco gather the last of the dishes and walk into the kitchen. She slowly walked herself into the kitchen to be with Draco and her big brother. She giggled and Draco turned. "Hi, big girl!" Draco smiled and picked up the girl. Draco finished the dishes with his two little helpers before he took them to the play room.

Draco, during washing the dishes and thrown his vibrating phone down. He really didn't care about that stupid phone anyway. His friends knew to call, and he really didn't have them. He wasn't in the mood to listen to the crap his father had to say. It wouldn't be good, Draco didn't feel like. Harry, who was coming down for a cup of coffee seen the phone screen on. The incoming messages keeping it on. Harry lend down and picked up the phone.

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