Chapter 14

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3rd person's POV
The girl furrowed her brows in confusion, wondering why Anne was there, but turned around, only for the brunette to run right into her, causing both of them to fall down with a thud.

They both groaned in pain, and Anne quickly got up and lended her a hand, which she accepted.

Once they were both up, she was met with Marcy's confused eyes.

"I know what you're thinking, you're probably wondering why I'm here and not with Sasha, right?"

"No, actually, I was thinking about Lumity, but that's a pretty good guess too." Marcy joked.

The brunette playfully rolled her eyes and lightly shoved her.


She let out a small laugh but cleared her throat.

"Sorry... Continue."

Anne paused before rubbing the back of her neck and saying. "Well, uh we kissed."

"Oh." Marcy said, as her face fell, but she tried to cover it up.

"It's not what you think!"

Marcy gritted her teeth, but tried to stay calm.

"Okay, then what was it if it's not what I think?"

The brunette held her breath before saying. "We kissed, yeah—"

"No need to rub it in."

Anne frowned, and sighed.

"No, I meant— while me and her kissed it just... didn't feel right."

To be continued...

It's Supposed To Be Temporary Dating (Marcanne)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin