Reuniting and it feels so good...

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Micheal Cole: "And Randy Orton pummeling John Cena with punch after punch this really is something—RKO! John Cena...died."

John Cena, the man, The myth, the legend lay on the mat completely motionless with Randy Orton standing above his prone opponent. This had been a doomed match from the start and it signified the beginning of the end for Monday Night Raw. They had a new challenger laying waste to the best on the roster and no one to stop the Legend Killer. Today was John Cena and tomorrow it was Edge or Roman Reigns—hell even the commentators weren't safe. Many feared the Viper knowing the destruction he posed and flaunted every single match. Orton slumped between the middle rope and walked to the commentators area causing Micheal Cole and Corey Graves to roll their chairs back. Luckily for them it was only to grab a mic soothing their fearful expressions when he turned his back and entered the ring once more.

Randy Orton: "You see that man laying down before me? That's your legend, and now he's a dead man. Don't expect to seem him anymore on this roster—and you won't be seeing a lot more people on this roster. So I'm gonna ask this to the locker room. Who's next...that's what I thought, you lot are too much of puss-"

But before the Viper could finish that PG forsaken line, the lights within the arena dimmed before shining an exuberant gold color. They began flashing along with silver and purple, signs of royalty, power, and victory to the Ancient Romans. Music cued first sounding as if a glitch before the music began causing the crowd to go wild. [Gold By Imagine Dragons]. Straight from the MMA and New Japan Pro Wrestling scene was the one and only, fan-favorite...Y/N L/N!!!

The wrestler came out in flashy style, jumping up and down whilst performing various card tricks with a fresh deck. Shuffling them in his hands he continued until they disappeared in one big crunch of magic. Y/N threw his hands up before theatrically bowing to the ring. He jogged the rest of the way, never breaking eye contact with Randy, establishing his dominance as the predator.

Y/N leaped over the top rope and backed up into his turnbuckle before grabbing a mic from a ring-side worker. He walked closer and closer to Randy Orton, the Viper, not a hint of fear in his eye as they faced off.

Y/N L/N: "You wanted the next person Orton? Well that's me. So we can either fight right now or you can slither your slimy snake arse right out of this ring."

Randy Orton: "Well I think-"

Y/N L/N: "It doesn't matter what you think!"

The crowd erupted in a fit of cheers and overall hype in the experience they witnessed. A newcomer to WWE putting Randy Orton to shame and angering the otherwise calm and collected Legend Killer. Most were worried for Y/N though—his career outta end before it even began. But not for the IGWP Heavyweight Champion.

Y/N and Randy simultaneously threw their microphones down and circled each other with the crowd continuing to pour in their liveliness into spectating the soon to be spectacular standoff. Y/N struck first and began throwing punch after punch at Randy forcing him on the defensive. Randy managed to push his opponent off of him and kick the Carnival Spade in the face forcing both to back off of each other. Y/N attacked first going for a Carnival Knee Drive to Randy's face. But in seconds he was in the air due to a Snap Scoop Up. Then just like he hit the mat in a Power Slam causing him to writhe in pain and scramble for the rope. The Viper had other intentions though, grabbing Y/N's locks of H/C and snatching him to his feet. He flung Y/N towards the ropes causing him to rebound after it as Randy went for a Spear—right over it his opponent went though with Y/N spreading his legs in the air to avoid the attack.

Y/N retaliated, running at Orton and delivering a Carnival Knee Drive to Randy's nose, sending him stumbling back a little bloodied from the attack. It didn't take long for both of them to engage in a duel of fisticuffs trading blow for blow as they hammered each other with punches like jackhammers. Y/N managed to lift the Viper up into the air before grabbing him by his torso and slamming him to the mat in a Jack Black (German Suplex). He retreated towards the nearest turnbuckle as Orton recovered, only to be practically cut in half by a Spear into the turnbuckle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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