The Endless Void

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When his eyes finally opened his eyes he gasped he was in a world of an amber tint.

The floor seemed to be made of water however it supported every step he took despite the ripples that followed every step.

His eyes darted in each and every direction searching for something, ANYTHING. However found nothing, it was a waste land void of any signs of life until...

"You've come far young one"

Spinning on his heels Alex found a figure that he was ninety-five percent sure wasn't there before however he was left focused on the fact that he wasn't alone and more who was before him.

"Auntie Soph" his voice was barley a whisper however she still smiled.

"Not quite Little Runner"

"Then why do you look like her."

"I afraid I take the form of who you admire most"

"Oh, just hoped"

"I'm well aware young one, However she is wait for you they all are"

"All? Wait even-"

"Yes your father too, but for now you have a choice to make"

"I didn't think death was a choice"

"It isn't however you are a special case little runner, you race is run you've reached your finish line if so wish you could board a train."

As she spoke like magic an amber train puffed into the station that had appeared around them.

"And where would it take me?"

The woman before him let out a soft puff that seeped with familiarity as she spoke a single word that seemed to echo around the empty orange replica of kings cross station. "ON!"

Alex seemed to understand his choice almost too well before his shaky voice pierced the air "and the other option?"

"Your friends still have many challenges ahead of them and the lightning still pumps within you, just not in the same way, if you should wish I believe you could return to where you were before." 

"What do you mean different?"

"I'm afraid I can't say more all I can say is that should you go back you'll have to uncover that on your own"

Time stood still as he pondered, the being before him seemed to only watch and wait.

Only after five minutes his voice spoke again, "They will be waiting for me won't they."

The entity only smiled "Always, goodbye little runner."

The station began to fade away as a familiar set of gates barred his path he let out a soft familiar sigh as he read the plaque.

'Charles Xavier's home for gifted youngsters' 

however as he looked past the gate he grew surprised.

There stood all his friends yet they looked so different, they all stood in suits and it appeared to be the venue of an outside wedding.

First was Warren his hair was longer and a gentle stubble was spread along his chin.

Next was Bobby who looked as boisterous as ever and actually well-kept, for once.

Third was a big blue furry man with facial features that Alex could never forget

Then his eyes ventured to the podium and his heart broke.

In the centre was Charles who seemed to be officiating the union.

On his left stood Scott in all of his boy scout-like glory, the same pair of ruby-quartz glasses that Alex had made for him several years prior. 

On his right stood Jean, her flaming hair was only emphasized by the beautiful dress she wore.

Then analysed them again each one happier than the last it appears in the year or two he had been dead they had moved on.

With a heavy heart he turned and moved away only one thought on his mind, He should have chosen on too. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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