A Single Black Horse: A Poem

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A single black horse stands in the field

Holding itself up with its strong and sturdy legs

Lifting its head and tilting it in the wind

Its main and tail are gently lifted by the cool breeze

It eats in peace as it watches the day go by

But even this peaceful creature can be broken

I can still hear the whip stinging in my ears

As they drove me on up a never ending road

They tightened my reins into a painful position

As I felt a bitter taste in my mouth

All for fashion

All they ever cared about was money and self-appearance

Their eyes are always filled will greed, pride, and anger

Some are not like this

Some treated me with a care and tenderness I have never known

They gave me food and shelter

They cared for me as I cared for them

Although some are warm and comforting

Either way I longed to be free

I yearned for my old home

For the freedom of a field with no fences

Where I could run, play, and go as I pleased

I stand with my strong and sturdy legs

I tilt my head up and hold it high

My hair is lifted up

I see a shadow and I know my day has come

I run to the fence

My body lifts and pulls off the ground

I am free

At the same time

I feel as though I am very, very far from being truly free

A Single Black Horse: A PoemWhere stories live. Discover now