Randy: Good morning princess

I smiled at her.

Ray: Well well good morning to you too randy
Randy: Where you going?
Ray: Well thanks to somebody I'm late now to where I'm supposed to be going.
Randy: Is it important?
Ray: Yes I need a car.
Randy: You know you can borrow mine anytime I have a lot.
Ray: Thanks but no I need my own car.
Randy: I can still help you with that

The girl look at me and smirk. And sit in the bed facing at me with a very satisfied look.

Ray: Oh? Now you got my attention
Randy: Oh really
Ray: Yea now get up!
Randy: What if I don't want to?
Ray: Well I guess I'm gonna need to accept somebody else help
Randy: Who is this somebody is he greater than me?
Ray: Hmm I think so?

My mood got completely ruined.

Randy: Who is this.
Ray: I don't know his name yet but last time we saw he is wearing a full green outfit like green hoodie green mask it's fine thought he look handsome.

My mind just straight thought tommy t.

Randy: Are you ready?
Ray: Oh? You going now?
Randy: You know.

I sit up and got closer to her and hold her chin up staring straight into her beautiful eyes.

Randy: Your the only one alive that compared me to tommy t.
Ray: I'm honored

God this woman is making me crazy I swear every time. I smirked and stand up and go straight to shower.

As he got closer to me and hold my chin up and stare Into my eyes my heart couldn't stop beating. I try to act cool as best as I can luckily I'm a good actor. As he entered the shower I let my blush finally escape on my face trying to calm down I stand up and just get ready I collected my phone bag and fixed myself.
He is finally done and got out the shower I don't wanna see him change as I respect privacy and left his room so he can changed. I feel hungry so I go straight to his kitchen and start preparing simple meal as he have some ingredients on his fridge while I was cooking I feel hands on my waist I got surprised and look behind at me and saw randy now we're facing each other..

Ray: What are you doing?
Randy: Is it obvious?
Ray: Whatever just sit there and stop bothering me.
Randy: Right I didn't know you know to cook?

I just nodded as a response cause I don't really wanna share why I know to cook really.

Good morning Yuno
What are you cooking?
I cook some fried pork chop and some soup! I'm gonna go to work so I be gone for some time. Take care of yourself and stay healthy okay.
Your working again.
You know I need to besides I'm strong! Aren't you proud I'm doing so good at work lately I've been liking it.
I guess if your happy I'm happy too.
~End of flashback~

I cook some fried eggs and with fried rice and also cook some soup for a certain someone.

Randy: Looks delicious
Ray: Eat up and have some soup.
Randy: Thanks

After eating we leave at his apartment seeing everyone on his gang staring at us. Oh god.

Curtis: Well well well
Ramee: Ray?!
Taco: I'm glad I left early.
April: Gorl??!!
Mr.k: Who's that girl that just came out at Randy's apartment?
Jaylen: Damn Randy
Autumn: Well good morning you two.

Randy: Guys guys relax nothing happened.
Mr.k: You didn't fuck her! Weak randy weak.
Taco: Right I believe you man totally
Curtis: Like I believe that.
Taco: We should make the walls much thicker there was some noise last night.
April: Randy what you do to my Gorl!!
Ramee: That was fast not gonna lie.

Ray: Uhm it's not that..

I nervous laugh as there so many people.

Randy: Nah man what is this! Y'all chill!
Ray: Randy I meet you at the gas station outside.
Ray: April come with me.. uhm Bye guys
Ramee: Bye ray!
Taco: Bye Ray!
April: Oh oh Coming! Ramee I be right back
Randy: Alright see ya later I'm just gonna get the car.

April: Gorl what was that!? What are you doing at Randy's place?!
Ray: Listen nothing happened I swear
April: what exactly happened then!?
Ray: Relax
April: I'm relaxing
Ray: Okay so you know the party right he got pretty drunk so I just ya know called some taxi then we arrived at seoul I told him which one is his he pointed it so I tried asking for his keys and he didn't respond so I lockpicked it put him in floor he hug my legs Telling me not to go taco saw randy pulled me and hug me in the floor I told him to help me but he take a pic before he did and bam we inside then taco leave! Randy pulled me again! Trap me and I couldn't get out his arm so I just sleep besides him nothing happened.
April: That was a lot to take in.

As I was about to take out my car the boys suddenly stop me.

Mr.k: where you think your going?
Randy: Just going somewhere
Curtis: What was that?
Randy: What was what?
Taco: I didn't know you guys have that relationship
Randy: we are not!
Jaylen: Who is she?
Randy: she's just April's friend Ray
Mr.k: be careful Randy girls are dangerous.
Randy: Don't worry did you forget? I'm Randy Bullet
Mr.k: I know I'm just saying..I can see how you look at her.
Randy: I don't know what your talking about.

I pulled out my car and saw Ray with April I slide down my window and called ray. She got in and they said bye to each other.

Ray: So where we going?
Randy: Do you got the money?
Ray: Not yet
Randy: to the bank then we go!

Ray: I got the money
Randy: okay let's go buy you a beautiful car to match you.
Ray: Well thank you for the compliment. But where we buying the car?
Randy: Don't worry I got you it's a surprise.

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