Nothing will never happen to you.

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Chapter one

" Chelsea, you piece of shit!" I sit there on the bed listening to Jason yell at me for forgetting to do his laundry for the alpha's meeting today. " I asked you last night to do my laundry and you didn't do it. Your worthless, I don't understand what was more important to you than doing a simple task for your boyfriend who does everything for you!" he yells " You don't do anything for me but order me around and yell at me! I do everything around here while you sit on your ass and drink!" I yelled back immediately regretting it. Perparing myself for the hit. Next thing I knew I was on the ground with a burning and stinging sensation on the side of my face. "DON'T YOU EVER TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" he yelled trying to control his breathing so he doesn't shift and tear me to peices. Jason through his dirty clothes on the floor " Go to the dry cleaner and get them cleaned." he said before walking out the door and slamming it shut behind him.

I got up off the floor and put a cold face cloth on my cheek where Jason hit me.

I don't know why I'm still dating him he is a jerk. He beats me but I still love him. Jason can be really sweet sometimes but it never lasts a long time. I got dressed in a white long sleeve FOX shirt on with a pair of light blue jeans and I put my uggs on and a red scarf, I put my hair up in a messy but elegant ballerina bun. I put his clothes and some of mine in a garbage bag and grab my car keys and I was on my way. It was a ten minute drive to the laundromat. When I got there I got out of my car dropped the clothes off and went and waited in the car. I was waiting for about ten minutes and I was starting to feel really hungry so I decided to go get some McDonalds at the mall cafeteria.

Calebs POV

"Come on dude you totally cheated!" I yelled at my best friend Mike " No way, I don't cheat. I told you I've been practicing call of duty for a while now!" says mike. Before I knew it Mike shanked me and he won the match. " Fuck you, I should have won." I punched him in the arm playfully and then our stomachs started to growl. "Dude I'm hungry lets go to McDonalds at the mall cafeteria." Mike suggested " sure." and off we went to McDonalds.

Chelsea POV

I got to the mall and went straight to McDonalds. As I was walking up the stairs I smelt something so delicous. It smelt like a rain forest with a hint of vanilla. I was so curious where it was coming from so I followed the scent then I came to a halt when I saw the most handsome guy I have ever seen in my life. "MATE!" My wolf yelled! "Wait what this can't be happening" I said back to her. "Go to mate!" I did as she said and I walked to him.

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