If it wasn't for Zhou Weihe carefully asking about Ning Zhou's situation, Ning Zhou wouldn't even know that he was hit by someone on a hot search and was hit on the Internet for several rounds.

    Ning Zhou checked the situation online, and the negative comments about him on the Internet had basically disappeared, but only a few people could be seen apologizing to him.

    The corner of Ning Zhou's lips hooked, he was not stupid, he took it for granted that other people's conscience found that they deleted the abusive remarks against him.

    Where in the world is there such a coincidence?

    Zhou Weihe breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Ning Zhou could still laugh.

    When he saw the news that Ning Zhou was scolded on the hot search earlier, Zhou Weihe was also worried that Ning Zhou could not bear the harm caused by these words.

    The violence of language is also a sharp blade, and the harm it brings sometimes even exceeds that of physical violence.

    "Fortunately, you were late at the time, otherwise you would be involved now, and you wouldn't know what to say." Zhou Weihe sighed.

    He watched the whole scolding battle today, and now not only Yu Fei has been pushed to the forefront, but even Xu Tongyu, the star of "Ode to Youth", is deeply caught in the whirlpool of public opinion.

    As the protagonist of "Ode to Youth", he got along with the director day and night during the shooting. Xu Tongyu knew better than anyone who the real director was.

    But after "Ode to Youth" exploded, he did not reveal the truth to the public.

    Well, it can still be said that he was just a young rookie who had just debuted at the time, his arms couldn't twist his thighs, and he dared not tell the truth due to Yu Fei's obscenity.

    But what about now?

    He has long been free from the constraints of flying, so why not tell the truth? Not only did he not talk about it, but he also called Yu Fei his brother, and it was really disgusting to look like two brothers.

    Don't you see the other actors in "Ode to Youth" haven't had any interaction with Yu Fei this year?

    Previously, Xu Tongyu's fans seemed to be eating explosives, bombing them wherever they went. At this moment, everyone chooses to turn off the wheat and is as quiet as a chicken. They are afraid that this fire will be brought to Xu Tongyu and let Xu Tongyu and Yu Fei sink together.

    There are also fans who seem to see clearly from this incident that Xu Tongyu is not what they saw, silently turning his avatar black, and silently announcing his removal from fans.

    Looking at Xu Tongyu's fans, Zhou Weihe seemed to see Xu Tongyu's aggrieved appearance, and he was happy while watching.

    But looking at it, Zhou Weihe found that the number of people accusing Xu Tongyu was gradually decreasing, and gradually focused his firepower on Fei.

    As a student of the Academy of Film and Television, Zhou Weihe is also considered to be half of the entertainment industry. Naturally, it can be seen that Xu Tongyu's public relations team has played a role, and he wants to remove Xu Tongyu from this matter.

    Oh, when you need it, you are a good brother. When you don't need it, you are a brother. You die for me first.

    Zhou Weihe sneered in his heart.

    He and Ning Zhou sighed again, "Xu Tongyu robbed you of your role, and now it's not a good time for retribution."

    Although the public relations have taken Xu Tongyu out of this incident, Xu Tongyu should have been peeled off after this incident. , the character of a modest gentleman began to collapse.

(MTL)(BL)Pretend to be cute [entertainment circle] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon