About Us: Exploring
Hey, Traveler! I think I saw something interesting over there! Let's go check it out!

About Us: Music
I've got a few instruments on me right now, if you ever like some music when traveling. Which ones, you ask? Well, I've got my recorder and my acoustic guitar! Which one would you like to listen to?

About the Vision
I don't know if this Vision has caused more problems or solved them...it's hard to control sometimes, you know? Oh, but I'll do my best to perfect my technique! I swear!

Something to Share
You want to know what I can do? Hm...oh! Have you ever heard this? *adjusts his voice into a feminine one* "Hello! I'm Lucy! How are you today?" *returns to normal range* Pretty pog, right?

Interesting Things
Hey, did you know about those Mondstadt Hashbrowns at Good Hunter? I recently found out something interesting about them. I didn't know this before actually: the hashbrowns aren't made of fish! That's really surprising, don't you think? I thought they were always made with fish...

Favorite Food
You know this thing we have in Mondstadt? They're called chips! Those small crispy things you might see at the store across from Good Hunter's. My favorite is the cheddar cheese one, they're soooo good! Pog! You should try them!

Least Favorite Food
What's that you got there? Can I see? ...Wah, is that spinach?! Wait, get that away from me! Actually, keep all the vegetables away...they all taste very unpog to me.

Oh, it's your birthday? POGGG!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You know what? I have a recorder with me right now, how about I play Happy Birthday for you?

Feelings About Ascension: Intro
Whoa, I feel stronger! POG!

Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
Each passing day is another day of practice and training! So, let's continue doing our best!

Feelings About Ascension: Climax
With this I can get further than I ever would have back home. I can reach out to greater heights while protecting those I love! And you're one of those people, so I'll use this opportunity and do my best!

Feelings About Ascension: Conclusion
Thank you for helping me become stronger than ever before! Since I joined you, I think I've learned some things that I never would have holed up in Mondstadt. So, thank you for this journey, and I hope we'll continue to learn new things as we move forward!

About Mysta Rias
Oh, you're right about the mysterious part. As a mafia boss, I've had dealings with him in the past, I guess you could say he's a pretty pog friend! Although, even I can't help but think he holds more secrets than he lets on...well, takes one to know one, right?

About Ike Eveland
The novelist guy? The few times I see him he's usually quiet and reserved, but I consider him my friend! Ah, but the last time I saw him, he came in with such a funny entrance that made me laugh a lot. Does that mean he considers me a friend too?

About Shu Yamino
I know about Shu! He's a sorcerer who doesn't talk to many people often. Well, other than Ike, anyways. I see them together a lot, so I wonder if they're good friends. Although, I feel like there's this emptiness in his eyes no matter who I see him with. I wonder why...

About Vox Akuma
There's this story passed down my family, about a man my ancestor met in Inazuma. I believe he had long black hair and a black flowing haori...anyway, that man is named Vox, a demon residing in Inazuma. He's mostly harmless, though, and is willing to give you great advice. Tell him Kaneshiro says hello if you see him, okay?

About Sonny Brisko
I have no worries about him whenever he travels to Mondstadt, but I can feel his eyes on me whenever we're near each other, so I have to always be on edge whenever he's around. Thankfully, he always seems busier trying to catch Mondstadt's resident kleptomaniac red-handed...

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