Meanwhile with Jake.....

441 10 26

"Ugh why can't I go anywhere without stupid girls swarming me" said Jake. As you know he's Y/n's only love. He thought about yesterday, the time when Y/n ran up to the rooftop and sang fight song. He thought about the whole school covering their ears and screaming bc of Y/n's beautiful voice. "Ugh, I need to go and karen somebody bc i'm emo.." Jake approached Mcdonalds. He decided to enter in bc hes literally starving. "Hey get me a [insert mcdonalds food]" the lady behind the counter turned around. 

remember the lady that y/n talked to? thats the exact same person her name was Kelly. "Hi how can I help?" "I literally just said what I wanted" said Jake as he blinked his ultra scary demon-red orbs. "Can you say that again?" Kelly replied."I.want.a.[insert mcdonalds product]" "fine." Kelly scoffed as she walked away. Asshole should learn some manners....

If Y/n worked at McDonalds (Y/N slander)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant