"Now for searching the area for dry firewood, I'd like to ask some volunteers"

I look for Kushida in the camp and eye her while making a gesture to raise her hand. She noticed me and immediately gave me a pout, but she complied and raised her hands anyways. Sakura raised her hand as well and this prompts Yamauchi to tag along. Horikita is still in her test resting around this time, and I'll leave her there in case I need her to do something for me.

We set out as a group of 4, or rather, 5 now with Kushida, Sakura, Yamauchi, myself, and Koenji to head out into the forest. This was a good time to scout out the area around as well so I run up ahead to check out what was in front of us, but I'll have to go deeper into the forest for this. I tell the group that I intend to go deeper and explore this place, and unsurprisingly, Koenji is gone as soon as he tagged along with us. According to Kushida he was babbling about beauty and how the forest was like his natural habitat or something before disappearing into the canopy and swinging into the vines like a certain western character.

"Man, that Koenji sure is unhinged. Always doing as he pleases without taking us into consideration" Yamauchi says while sighing deeply.

"I suppose we can't do anything about that now, so let's continue to gather wood while Ayanokouji goes on ahead of us" Kushida says to the pair with her.

Sakura remains timid, but looks a bit disappointed with how the group turned out. I ask Kushida to come with me after we finish gathering wood, and that we would leave returning the wood and telling Hirata about my intentions to the 2. I feel a bit bad leaving Sakura with Yamauchi who will most likely pester her a bit, but I'm sure he won't do too much.

I start to walk deeper and follow a small trail on the forest floor with Kushida who follows behind me closely.

"So, are you going to give me my next errand now?" Kushida asks in a flat tone.

"No, I just want company while I look around"

"I didn't think you were the type to get lonely, but where are we heading off anyways? Got a place in mind?"

"There are a few places I'd like to check that caught my attention while we were circling around the island"

"I see, as for your latest command your majesty?" She says sarcastically.

"When we get back for dinner, I want you to dirty Horikita's clothes by accident. Around enough to make her want to take a bath and change"

"Oi oi what kind of perverted plot are you putting me up to?" She says while exaggerating her disgust.

"I assure you, it's for the sake of victory"

"I hope that's all there is to i-"

Before she could finish speaking, I grab her quickly and bring her down with me to a large trunk. As Kushida was talking, I had already spotted Class-A students from over the forest line. It looked like Katsuragi and his companion Yahiko were with him, so they must have found a spot. Kushida squirmed a bit in my arms but quickly realized that I was hiding us from someone so she tried to stay as quiet as possible. Katsuragi was observing the areafor any eavesdroppers from other classes, while showing his card as he passed it to Yahiko. It was a bit strange for someone as careful as him to show something that important.

After claiming this area, they had left hurriedly, probably off to claim another spot.

"Seems like the coast is clear, we should-" I look down at Kushida who was curled up like a small animal in between my legs, and she looks a bit uncomfortable. I quickly let go and help her get up from the ground.

Genuine(Kushida x Ayanokouji)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat