The woman took a shot but what i could see out of the corner of my eye her friends where not satisfied. A few words were said and the woman stood up turned around looked at us pausing for a minute taking a deep breath before walking over to us. 

"You lucky dog..." Seb whispered in my ear "You dont even have to work for it... she is making this easy for you...." Seb joked. I rolled my eyes at him. The woman stopped in front of our table. 

"Hi." She said smiling shyly and i studied her for a bit. She was absolutely stunning even in just jeans and a shirt with some sneakers... She was the most beautiful woman i had ever seen. We all said hello back. 

"I hope i am not bothering you..." She said looking at me ignoring Mackie, Seb and Scarlet. "I am Sarah and i was hoping i could ask you a question..." She said blushing and it made her only more beautiful. 

"Uh yeah sure..." I said struggling to find my words. "You're from Boston... right?" She took me by surprise and i was wondering where she was going with this. "I am..." I said giving her my most charming smile. "Well... Me and my friends are on a road trip through America and our end destination in a few months is Boston... So i was wondering if you could give me some tips of what we absolutely must see..." She said smiling. 

"Well... this i had not seen coming..." Mackie mumbles, and to be honest neither had i. "Well, there is the freedom trail, museum of fine arts the aquarium..." and i named a few other things they could do smiling at her, and she blushed. 

"Okay well thanks..." She said and she walked away. Scarlet, Mackie and Seb looked at me. "What...?" I asked looking around the table. "Seriously..." Scarlet said rolling her eyes. "You have been eyeing the girl since we walked in... She stands in front of her you know she will be in Boston when your back home with nothing to do for 6 months and you dont even say... Hey let's swap numbers... So, i can show you girls around on a personal tour of Boston." Scarlet said scolding me. 

"Dont you think this was her way of finding an in? I mean she could have googled this all..." Seb said. I sighed and looked over at the table where the women were laughing. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile. 

About an hour later i looked at the table and saw that Sarah was missing as i looked around the bar i saw her standing at the bar probably ordering another round of drinks. I took a deep breath... "I'll be right back..." I said and got up. "Go get her tiger..." Mackie yelled making Seb and Scarlet laugh. 

I took a deep breath and tapped her shoulder. She jumped a little and turned around. "Oh hi..." She said shyly. "Hi." I said smiling at her... God she is really gorgeous i thought to myself. 

"Can i buy you a drink?" I asked her and she blushed. "Uh yeah sure..." She said giving me a small smile. "What are you drinking?" I asked her. "A beer is fine..." She said. I ordered two beers and gave one to her. 

"So, when are you going to be in Boston?" I asked while smiling. "The plan is in about 2 months..." She said playing with the label of her beer.  

I asked about their trip, and she told where they already have been and why they were traveling. She asks about Dodger making me smile and i show her some pictures on my phone. "He is so cute..." She said smiling as i showed her a video. I told her that we were filming here for Marvel but to not ask what since i couldn't tell anything she smiled at me and shook her head. "Dont worry... i won't ask..." She said smiling. 

"Soooo." I said feeling anxious. "Filming stops in about 6 weeks and then i am going home to Boston... and as i am having some free time... I thought maybe when you girls get there i could show you girls around...?" I said hoping and praying she was game. 

 She blushed. "Yeah, that sounds nice..." She said. I smiled feeling like it was a victory. "Give me your phone..." I said smiling. She gave me her phone and i put my number in texting myself from her phone. 

"So now you can text me when you guys arrive in Boston...." I said smiling. "I will..." She said smiling back at me. "Or you can text me before that... So we maybe can get to know each other. If you want..." I said stumbling over my words. 

She smiled. "I would like that..." She said blushing. I was about to say something when i felt a hand on my shoulder. "Hey, we are going to go...Schedule has changed and Seb and i have a early shoot in the morning they just called...." Mackie said letting out a sigh. 

"Scarlet is tired so she wants to go to..." He said continuing. "Yeah, give me a minute... I'll be right there." I said and Mackie left. I turned back to Sarah. I gave her a little kiss on the cheek. "See you in Boston..." I whispered and she blushed again it was the cutest thing ever. "I'll text you..." I said before i walked out following the rest. 

When i got outside, Mackie patted my back smirking at me and i rolled my eyes. We walked to the place we were staying at and i rolled into bed sending her a quick text. 

C: "goodnight beautiful hope you sleep well..." 

S: "Just got to the hotel, you have a good night to..." 

I smiled at the text and fell asleep. 

6 weeks had gone by fast i kept in touch with Sarah... Texting and calling with her over face time where the highlights of my day. We talked about everything and conversations where flowing and even when we didn't say anything it felt comfortable. 

I was home for about 2 weeks happy to see my family again. But today was the day i would see Sarah again. After weeks of phone calls and texts we had decided i would pick her up from her hotel and bring her to my place where i would cook her dinner... Well i would order dinner... Not wanting to mess up the food. I had changed and looked at myself in the mirror i was nervous even though we had talked every day i had not seen her in person since the night in the bar. 

I drove to the hotel and as we agreed... i would stay in the car so as not to attract attention. She was standing outside the hotel and my god she was even more beautiful than  i remembered. I flashed the lights like we agreed on and she smiled and walked over to the car. She got in the car and i kissed her cheek. I drove off and automatically grabbed her hand while i drove. I needed to touch her, and she smiled looking at our hands. 

When we arrived at my house and walked to the front door Dodger came running up and she bend down giving him all her attention. I chuckled. "Hey buddy dont even think about it she is my girl...." I said smirking. She blushed as she stood up and i grabbed her hand. 

"Hi..." I said smiling at her. "Hi..." She said back and i pulled her closer to me. I hovered my lips over hers. "I really want to kiss you..." I said, she smiled and closed the distance putting her free hand on my chest lightly grabbing my shirt. It was like fireworks exploded and at that moment i knew i am never letting her go... She is the one.

3 years later.

I smile as i see Sarah walking down the aisle, she looks beautiful in her white dress. I can't help but tear up and can't believe how lucky i am. I look at ma who is holding our 6-month-old son Oliver. I can't believe that i finally have everything i ever dreamed of. 

The love of my life... a beautiful son and i couldn't wait what the future was going to bring. After we said our i do's and we were declared man and wife everybody cheered and i kissed her putting my fist in the air and everybody clapped and laughed. Sarah smiled after we broke apart. "I can't belief how lucky i am with you as my husband..." She whispered. I smiled and kissed her again. "I am the lucky one... Getting to spend the rest of my life with you...." I whispered.

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