"You know what, guys, I think it's time for a little entertainment," Lia looked around at each of us in turn. "Any suggestions?"

"How about no?" suggested Dean.

"When did that become an option?" Sloane asked. "I'm not familiar with any teenage games that are called 'no'." I looked at Michael and I knew he could see the question I had in my mind. Is she serious?

I guess Cassie was right. With these people, your questions could get answered before you even opened your mouth to ask.

"Sloane, why don't you go find Hayden," Lia suggested. "And find Cassie while you're at it." After Sloane had left, Lia muttered, "that girl is too naïve for her own good. Now, what should we play?" There was a long silence before she sighed. "Okay, I'll meet everyone in the living room. Fifteen minutes." With that declaration, she stood up and sauntered out the door.

I looked over at Michael. "How bad is this gonna get?"

Michael looked at Dean, who was following Lia out of the kitchen. "Pretty bad. If I were you, I would opt out of this one."

Uh-oh. He's underestimated me. That's his fault.

"No, I'm playing," I decided, smiling. His facial expression didn't change, and I assumed he'd expected that response.

"Suit yourself," he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, crumpling the bag of popcorn and throwing it into the trash can across the room. I watched the bag hit off the wall and go in. "I guess I'll see you in fourteen minutes."

"Thirteen, actually."

He stood up, walking out the door. "See you in thirteen then."


Twelve minutes later, I was sitting on an arm of the couch next to Sloane, Cassie and the boy I assumed was Hayden occupying the rest of the couch. Dean sat in front of the fireplace, and Michael and Lia had yet to make an appearance.

I looked at Sloane. "How crazy is this going to get?"

"According to my calculations, not very crazy," Sloane decided, smiling.

"Actually, this is going to be mild. We don't believe in doing anything we can get in trouble for." Lia walked into the room. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow.

"Somehow, I find that hard to believe."

"Actually," Michael added, right on her heels, "we do play pretty cliche teenage games."

I noticed the slightly swollen state of both his and Lia's lips before I processed what he'd said. "You mean games like spin the bottle?" I mentally gagged.

Lia laughed. "Something a bit more...mature." She smiled and glanced at Michael.

"Now, I present to you, truth or dare. Any objections?"

Dean went to raise his hand, but Cassie cut in. "I object. Last time we played this you forced me to kiss Dean." I could tell this was a subject the two had discussed before.

"Oh please," Lia responded, "You had the choice to say no." Cassie raised an eyebrow. "Technically," Lia added.

"Technically means she could have in theory, but she couldn't have in reality," Sloane whispered to me.

"Thank you Sloane," I responded. "I couldn't figure that out on my own." She smiled, totally oblivious to my sarcasm, before turning back to Lia, who was bickering with Cassie.

"I'm up for it," Michael interjected, silencing their argument. He looked at me. "But only if April is."

Everyone was silent as they looked at me. Dean leaned forward, mouthing 'please say no' while Lia put her hands on her hips and Michael looked at me expectantly.

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