Chapter 1 : Routine

Depuis le début

"Did you bring the papers?" I nod and give them to him. "Look at that." His finger pointing a word on the paper : Chanel. "Amazing right?" He smiles.

"Yeah, this is incredible." I'm going to fucking decorate the buildings of Chanel! "When did you receive that?"

"This morning. It's not official official because we need to meet them before to see if our ideas please them. And it's for that I want you on the project. You always have amazing ideas and are great at convincing and making good contracts." Oh my!

"Thank you, James. It's an honor, really but it's-"

"I stop you right there. I know it'll be a lot of pressure for you to work on this but you are the only one I can think of to do this and it will be very good for your career too. Also, you won't be alone, I'll help you and we have a lot of people here that can help too."

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"You do have a choice, but I know you and I don't think you will miss this opportunity." I nod. Yeah he does know me. "Anyway, I told Julia to set up an appointment for tomorrow afternoon with th-"

"Tomorrow? Isn't it a bit early? I don't think I'll have the time to prepare everything."

"No, they want to start as soon as possible and just want us well you to hear what they have in mind and to see if they can work with us."

"Alright, I should get to work then." He gives me back the files. " Thank you again a lot for this opportunity, it means a lot to me." I smile genuinely.

"It's a pleasure, Alexia. Have a good day."

"You too." I say as I leave his office. I go back towards mine and ask to Julia. "Can you tell me what appointment I have for tomorrow, please?"

"Yes sure." She looks for something on her computer. "So, you have one in the morning with M.Parker at 10.30am and one in the afternoon with M.Paulson, the director of the Chanel's project, at 3.00pm."

"Alright, thank you." I say relieved.

"I presume it went well with M.Hitchson."

"Well, yes I do have an appointment with Chanel." I confirm exited.

"I'm so happy for you, you deserve it."

"Thank you. Alright, I should really go back to work now."

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

I smile at her and go back to my office. I work until my stomach cries for attention and decide to lunch with Julia. We do this when I'm not too booked with meetings, it's 3 or 4 times per weeks. I'm a busy person, I guess people like the work I do for them. I've been working at this architect firm for the past five years and I like it there. It's not my dream job but I'm happy so it's what matters. I'm not in a relationship because I already have my soulmate : my earphones. I can't live without them. Some formers friends bought me headphones and it showed that they really didn't know me at all because I have earphones so that I can hear everything that is happening around me without really hearing it, it's this magic I like not just to listen to music.

I'm going home after this long day working on papers and tomorrow's meetings. I obviously have my earphones in as I finally arrive at home. I kick off my shoes, put my bag down and jump on my sofa. This was one hell of a bloody day. I reach the remote and play my comfort show: Friends, at this point I don't even know how much time I've watched it. After only one episode, I choose to cook myself something for diner since it's already 7.50pm. I opt for courgette spaghetti, it's a bit long to do but I love to cook so I don't mind.

While I'm eating, I decide to FaceTime my other best friend, Leo.

"Hiii Aleeeex! How was your day, beautiful?"

"Hello dummy. Oh no don't tell you're drunk."

"I'm not, I'm totally fine." He shows me his feet as he walks not at all in straight line. "See perfectly fine." He puts the camera back to his face. "Oh no I didn't mean to upset you." He says as I fake a pout.

"You didn't invite me. You know how I love to get drunk with you." I declare with a baby voice.

"Oh I love to get drunk with you too don't worry. You're just always busy the week but I promise this weekend we're going to get drunk."

"Alright, alright. Be safe and we'll talk tomorrow."

"Okey, bye. Love you."

"Love you too." I hang up. Well, it's not an unexpected conversation.

I do the dishes, go have a shower and do all my night routine. I read a bit and then go off to sleep.


AN/ There it is the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. It's a bit boring I know but it's just to settle down the basics of Alexia's life.
Anyway, maybe you notice somethings about her family?
Tell me what you thought of it.

EarphonesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant