Vegeta: What's going on?

Goku: I don't know.

Then Goku and Vegeta started to hear a loud Roaring noise in the distance.

Goku: C'mon Vegeta we gotta figure out what's going on.

Goku lead his hands out as Vegeta hates holding hands with Vegeta.

Vegeta: I'm not holding your hand Kakarot!!!

Goku: Vegeta this just a one time thing please!!

Vegeta rolled his eyes and took Goku hand. They teleport at the ocean. Goku senses a powerful opponent nearby as he see a Male Sayain fighting two people.

Goku: Look Vegeta!!

Vegeta looks and sees the fighting going on.

Vegeta: Is that?

Goku: It's Y/N!!! But look something is off about him.

Y/N was destroying 17 & 18 with raw power he was in SSJ2 but the aura around him was yellow mix with Red aura. His pupils are gone as his eyes was fully red. He was holding 17 and 18 by the throat chocking them out.

Goku: Come on Vegeta we gotta help the Androids.

Goku flys in and punch Y/N on his right cheek sending him back into the ocean. Android 17&18 was coughing trying to get their air back into there system.

Goku: What happened why is he acting so strange?

18: I-I don't know he was fine at first but suddenly his eyes turns red and started to go nuts!

Vegeta shows up next to Goku. Vegeta wasn't paying no attention to the Androids as he still got some beef with them. Y/N flew out of the ocean as he was floating.

(Kinda like this besides he got red eyes and not that buff)

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(Kinda like this besides he got red eyes and not that buff)

Vegeta: Thar Aura I never seen it before.

Goku: Well whatever it is. Y/N need to be stopped.

Vegeta turns Super Vegeta 2 as Goku turns SSJ2.

Y/N charge in and went to attack but Both Goku and Vegeta jumps out of the way. Vegeta started blasting Ki Blast at Y/N but it didn't have no effect on Y/N.

Y/N teleport next to Vegeta. Vegeta was shocked.

Vegeta: What?

Y/N slams Vegeta down on the ground as Goku charge in and started to throw punches at Y/N.

Goku: Cmon Y/N!!! This isn't yourself!!

Y/N didn't want to hear it as he was fighting back as Both Goku and Y/N was in a Clash.

Y/N didn't want to hear it as he was fighting back as Both Goku and Y/N was in a Clash

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Y/N guts shot Goku and grab Goku arm and body slam him.

Vegeta Kicks Y/N in the gut hard as Y/N was holding his stomach a bit

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Vegeta Kicks Y/N in the gut hard as Y/N was holding his stomach a bit. Vegeta elbow Y/N on top of his skull. Y/N was on one knee he looks up and see Vegeta hand right of Y/N face.

Vegeta: Big Bang Attack!!!

The ki blast hit Y/N as it send him back.

Meanwhile far away on earth two people was watching this fight. A Female was a long Staff white hair with red and black clothing as a tall Male was watching it also.

Female: He is powerful I can give you that.

Male: Should we intervene?

Female: Not yet I had enough research for now let's go we'll be back for my research next time.

The female started to wave her Staff around as some kind of Magic. The red Aura that was on Y/N started to go away as he was back into base from.

Goku, Vegeta, Android 17 and Android 18 walked up to Y/N as he was unconscious.

Goku: Looks like that did the trick.

18: That power he wasn't himself wasn't he?

Goku: When I fought him he was not pulling punches he was really trying to kill me and that's not the Y/N I know.

Vegeta: It doesn't matter let's just kill him.

Vegeta got his ki blast ready but Android 18 stops him.

18: No we're not killing him.

Vegeta: What?!

18: He lost control it wasn't his fault.

Vegeta: Your joking? What happened if he lose control again? What then?

Android 18 wasn't letting Vegeta kill Y/N.

18: Then I will handle it.

Vegeta chuckled.

Vegeta: You? Please you even couldn't handle him when he lost control!

Goku steps in to ease the heat between Android 18 and Vegeta.

Goku: Vegeta we're not killing him. Let's just take him to Kami lookout it would be safe for him there.

Vegeta: Tch fine.

Vegeta flew away from the other four. As Goku shaken his head.

Goku: Can't believe he wanted to kill Y/N.

Android 17 and 18 look at Goku.

Goku: Anyways I'm going send Y/N to Kami lookout and see if Mr. PoPo can help me with this situations.

Goku picks up Y/N over the shoulders and started to sense Mr. Popo energy.

Android 18 and Android 17 nod.

17: Well next time I see him I want my rematch with him.

18 rolls her eyes.

18: Shut up 17 let's go see 16.

17: Alright he wanted to see you anyways said " He misses your company".

18 smiles what 17 said.

18: I miss the big fella also.

Goku founds Mr. Popo energy.

Goku: There you are. Cya guys.

Goku teleport to Kami lookout as 17 and 18 flew to Android 16 location.

(Next chapter the tournament)

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