Chapter 2

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April 3rd, 2020 Week three of quarentine

It's been two weeks since quarantine started and so far you and Florence have literally done nothing, so far you have watched a lot of movies and binge watched so many t.v shows. Florence has taken it upon herself to make dinner everyday and you can't complain because it is delicious, it's literally the best part of your day. You both have also played every single board game you own and have drunk several bottles of wine.

You got an email from Marvel letting you know that filming will be shut down till at least september so by the looks of it you will stay in Los Angeles until september. Florence will stay here too since she has no plans on leaving anytime soon. After the first week you two realized it would be way easier to stay together during quarantine than apart so you both decided to stay together for as long as this whole craziness lasts.

Today is Wednesday and you and Florence are making Margaritas and chilling at the pool. You went out to get groceries today and you also bought all the ingredients to make the cocktails. At around 2 pm you and Florence were in the pool drinking huge margaritas. You used a recipe you learned when you went on holiday to Mexico.

"This is incredible y/n truly." Florence tells you drinking happily. She is wearing this cute purple bucket hat to avoid getting her face burned from the sun.

"Thanks Flo, I'm glad you liked it." you tell her, giving her a smile.

"I talked to Zach and we agreed that I'll go get my stuff tomorrow. He agreed to lend me his Range Rover so we can fit more boxes. I already told him you'll help and he's okay with it." Florence tells you and you agree to her plan. You always got along with Zach. He is a really nice guy and he was  always lovely to Florence but they broke up because they wanted different things in life, however they ended the relationship on good terms that's why it's easy for them to do this.

You spend most of the afternoon drinking at the pool you actually end up getting drunk, you try to cook but fail miserably since the both of you have too much alcohol in your system to do a decent meal. So you end up eating oreos from the box on your bathroom floor and laughing until the both of you cried.

Florence is incredibly funny and every single time you hang out you have so much fun. She is also a great drinking partner.The next day you wake up on your bed with Florence next to you, she is groaning and you guess it's her hangover. You get up and head to the kitchen for a glass of water and some aspirin for your friend to take.

A few hours later you feel brand new and Florence is also feeling better after throwing up all morning. You make some mac and cheese for the both of you as Florence makes some lemonade. "How's your family?" Flo asks you once you hand her the food.

"They are good, my mom is learning to cook while my dad fixes the house. Alyssa and Jason are in New York working from home and Emily is going crazy homeschooling the kids but they are all good and stayin safe." you tell her.

"Oh that's great." she tells you.

"How 's yours?" you ask her genuinely curious.

"They are good, My parents and Raffie are together in the house, Arabella and her husband are in their house and so are Toby and Scarlett." She tells you and you are happy to hear the Pugh family is alright.

"That's great." you tell her before drinking your lemonade.

After lunch you go and watch more movie continuing your growing quarantine tradition.

The next day you wake up and have a quick shower before heading downstairs to eat breakfast. When you get to the kitchen you see Florence is already there, you both eat together. Once you finish eating, start taking all of Harper's boxes to one of the rooms, so you can make space for Flo's stuff, especially since she'll need to open some of them to get a bunch of things. Once you are done moving the boxes you get into your car, Florence gets in hers and you head over to Zach's house. The drive is about 20 minutes so once you get there you park and ring the doorbell.

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