× Argument ~~ Ranboo ×

767 11 2

Requested by : @XXxxxrayxxxXX

Btw man, I hate you for this ;-;

( No hate towards Ranboo! This is simply a fictional scenario requested by one of my readers.)


I walk out of my room after finishing my Daily Stream and into the living room.  I immediately felt myself tense up slightly at the change of the feeling of the room. The atmosphere felt so tense and angry. I nervously bit my lip  as I noticed Ranboo sitting on the couch with a frustrated expression painting the tall brunette's face.

I trotted over to him with a soft, comforting smile as i sat down next to him. "Hey Boo," I began in a comforting tone, "What's wrong..?"

He didn't look at me, not even a glance. His arms were crossed and he was gripping his arms so hard his knuckles were white. My grin quickly disfigured into a small, sad frown. I went to lay my hand on top of his, however, before I could lay a comforting touch, he jerked his hand away.

I jumped slightly at the sudden movement. My face clouded over with shock. I was extremely confused. What was up with him? Why was he acting this way all of a sudden?

I quickly remembered how he had been becoming slightly more aggravated the past two months. This was also when I started my Daily Streams on Twitch.

"Boo..?" I asked sadly, " Why're you so upset..?"

Again, he ignored my question. I could feel hot tears building up in my eyes. I fought them the best I could but they still managed to win their way and spill through my barrier.

"Ranboo..?" I said, my voice wavering as I tried to speak. I didn't  bother trying to hide it because I knew I wouldn't be able to.

"What, (Y/N)?" He hissed out in frustration.

My eyes widened sadly at the harshness of his words. I bit my lip and tried to think of something, anything.

"What's going on with you, Boo..?" I spoke softly, just above a whisper.

"What's going on with me?" He questioned in aggravation, "really?"

"Yes, 'really'! You've become frustrated and have stopped talking to me as much!" My voice broke as I tried my best not to break myself.

Ranboo's brows furrowed and he angrily raked his hands through his hair, "Well maybe that's because you've spent most of your time streaming every day!" He said angrily as he stood, going to the kitchen after spitting his words out harshly.

I scoffed and quickly stood, following right behind him. "It's only four hours at most!"

"Yeah," Ranboo said turning angrily, " Four hours, everyday a week."

"Ranboo! That's only twenty-eight out of one-sixty-eight." I scoffed, "Do you realize how petty you're being!?"

"Forgive me for wanting to spend time with my boyfriend." He muttered sarcastically. (If Ranboo is uncomfortable with that please tell me and I will immediately change it. I am unsure as to if he is or not.)

"You still get to spend time with me! I don't stream that long usually!" I frowned as my eyebrows tilted in anger.

Frustrated tears fell from my eyes as the brunette turned away from me. I bit my lip and walked away, back towards my room.

I stumbled into my room, tripping as I tried to get to my bed. My eyes were pricked with blurry tears and I brought my knees to my chest and began sobbing.

"Where did I go wrong..?" I whispered, mostly to myself than anyone else.

I flopped over and cried myself to sleep. Hoping that everything would be better when I woke up.

But it wasn't. The argument went on for three days, till you finally had enough.

"You know what!? THAT'S ENOUGH!! I can't handle this anymore Ranboo!" I squinted my eyes to prevent tears from falling, "You're being so fucking petty about this. And if this is what damages our relationship... It's obvious it wasn't enough in the first place..."

That's when something seemed to click in the brunette's head.

"I-I..." Ranboo stuttered out, looking down in shame.

However, when he looked back up, there were regret filled tears in his eyes.

He sighed heavily, "You're right... I'm sorry. That wasn't right of me to do. Hell, it was the worst thing for me to do. And I know sorry won't cut it... But I want you to know that I am... And if... If you don't forgive me, it's oka-"

I ran into Ranboo, hugging him tightly. Tears now pouring rapidly from both of our eyes.

"I forgive you..." I whispered, just loud enough to be audible.


768 Words

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