Getting to Know

Começar do início

Lim called out and pull me toward him.After car left, he pulled me away and

"You.Okay right"

I nodded.He nodded back and started to chase Jae-Soo again.

Flash Back end

"No problem tho just be careful next time"

I nodded

'I will Mr. Lim...wait You must be older than me right?"

"Technically yes but physically look at me. Other will think our age gasp will be 2 or 3"

"Okay okay so....I will call you Oppa"

I smiled at him and said.


"Yeah Ryung-gu oppa"

I smiled at him and said.

Author POV

Hari moved her upper body toward Lim and smiled at him. Lim looked at her face and gulped his own saliva.

" have to go now.Bye"


Hari waved at him and he left.On the other side, Jun Woong saw everything from distant.

"When did they two become that close. We left them together for only few hours"

he said with annoy.


Hari POV

Next Day,

Me and Jun Woong was standing in front of director's door.

"Standing here won't make Mrs.Koo get out sooner"

"Then I am going in"

Jun walked to the door but we both stopped him.

"I gave her an idea so I will go and explain"

"She is the one who made decisions. She said she will take responsibility"

"But we saved him"

"Saving him is one thing,Rule is another thing"

"Wait who side are you. Pick the side"

"You are being immature. Are you a kid? There is no side"

"No you are not from our side"

"But...Ryung-gu oppa is right tho"

"Ryung-gu oppa"

Jun Woong said with annoy face

What's that face for?

"Yeah I think there is no side tho"

"When did you become a team with him?"

he whispered to me.

"I already told you I just told my opinion"

As soon as we done arguing, Mrs.Koo got out from room.Ryung-gu oppa said she can't use her ability for a week.

"Do you think she is okay"

"No You will be dead"

Ryung-gu oppa told him and walked back to office.I was about to follow him but Jun Woong grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.

Tomorrow new verOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora