Chapter Sixteen

Începe de la început

Two Angels step in front of me, having broken free of the defence line behind us and outstretching their hands to protect my prey. They raise their blades to me in a warning, their stance primed to defend their commander. I scoff and advance.

I make quick work of the warriors, dropping down with one leg outstretched, tripping the one on my left, and the blade in my right-hand thrusting upwards, through the chest of the one to my right. As the right one collapses to the ground, I jump up and spin around, striking the remaining warrior as he regains his footing, through his back, directly between his wings and through his heart.

I turn and search the clearing for Azriel. He has not made it far with his injury, only halfway through the stone circle. He eyes those fighting near him with caution, attempting to stay unnoticed as he slips past. I storm towards him, throwing the blade into my left hand and flicking the crimson liquid to the ground.

The fire in my soul has not waned, my vision becomes hazy as I focus on my target. He will not leave this sacred ground with oxygen in his lungs.

I reach Azriel within seconds and turn him to face me. With my dominant hand, I draw back and throw a hard fist in his face. Azriel's face flings to the side from the strength of the blow. In any other situation, in any other time, it would have appeared almost comical. I only feel gratification in the crunching sound of his nose breaking and the immediate reddening of his jawline.

Azriel reels back towards me, his eyes glaring and his hand thrusting upwards with the seraph blade. I block his attack, the force of my block knocking the blade from Azriel's hands.

I advance, Azriel mimicking my movements like a dance and stepping back for every step I take forward. His back meets against a stone pillar with a thud and his hands flail between his sides and his chest, searching for something to defend himself with, his attempt failing. I trap Azriel with my arm across his neck, the Guardians sword in my other hand and weighing heavy in my hand. Its glow brightens as I glare at Azriel. It enjoys the fight.

Azriel smirks in my face as a sharp pain suddenly radiates from my abdomen, and I glance down. Azriel chuckles as he pulls out a hand-held seraph. Blood pours from the deep cut in my skin and I push harshly against Azriel's neck as I tear my eyes from the red dripping down my stomach. I grit my teeth; the physical pain is nothing compared to the torment my soul is in.

"You know nothing of Eros. Even in death, he is more than you could ever be. I will never re-join you." I step back despite the dull throb in my middle and lift the blade, Azriel's eyes widening.

I do not need to hear any more words from his treacherous mouth, and I do not give him time to reply. I take the sword and plunge it deep into Azriel's abdomen, the cut oozing blood instantly as I draw the blade out slowly. Azriel reaches his hands down to his stomach and gasps, falling to his knees as the silver tendrils stretch out from the wound and quickly reach out across his skin, wrapping around his heart.

Azriel slumps to the ground, eyes open and forever paused in shock. Power surges through me, starting from my head and travelling down, pulsing like electricity in my veins. A Guardian's power. I was in line to become the High Guard Warrior and without another successor, Azriel's position has automatically been passed to me upon his demise. It is a cruel irony.

I lift a hand to the cut on my front, trapping further blood from escaping. Holding tight to the Guardian's sword in my other hand, I turn to the fellow fighting angels. Blades are halted in mid-air and eyes are turned on me as the shift in power is felt through all the angels standing in the holy place.

"It is over. Leave now," I command. The power seeping from my voice is apparent and the exalted retreat without question. The fallen that remain watch me as I stumble forward. Luvenia strides to my side, lifting an arm over her shoulder as she helps me stagger to Eros.

I slump down next to Eros' body, grasping his cold hand in my palm and sweeping my gaze over his beautiful features. I can feel the silver tendrils spreading up my chest. I do not have much time.

"Onyx," I call. He appears next to me, on his knees by my side, tears in his own eyes as he looks over Eros' still form.

I pass him the Guardian's sword. He hesitates, looking up at me in question. I hear Admodias muffle a soft, "no" behind us.

"I need you to do it. This wound will only kill this reincarnation. I need to join my Eros, wherever he is," I cough as the poison spreads and finds its way to my bloodstream.

"Are you sure?" Onyx looks solemnly at me, swallowing deeply. I nod my head and offer the blade once more. Onyx slowly takes the blade from my outstretched hand.

I look to my Eros, leaning down and placing a kiss on his frozen forehead. "More sure than I have ever been. It is by his side that I belong. Help me find him."

Onyx nods once. He stands, twisting the sword in his palm as if he is deliberating silently in his mind. He looks to Admodias, who shakes her head quickly, tears falling down her face. Onyx looks back to Eros, lying motionless on the forest floor, then back to me. I see the moment he decides. The resolve is clear in his eyes. Onyx pulls back the sword and...

"Wait! Stop!" Admodias runs over to us, kneeling before Eros and placing her hands on his chest. A silent moment passes before she exhales, "I can feel it."

I look between Onyx and Admodias, her eyes trained on Eros' peaceful face. The silver tendrils are inching closer to my heart, beginning to wrap themselves around the pumping muscle. My breaths are becoming harder.

"Feel what Admodias?" Onyx asks, placing a hand on her shoulder. She looks up at him.

"Life. New life," She runs her hands once more over Eros' chest, up to his face and across his forehead. "I don't understand. I feel his soul coming to life. It will be gone soon, but it will reform once again."

Relief floods my system, along with the fear it is a trick. "Are you sure?" Blood oozes from my stomach and I splatter out a cough, the hand I use to cover my mouth full of fresh crimson. I look up to Admodias, who sees the red in my palm. "I do not have much time, do not make me go through this if I will not be returned to him."

Admodias nods adamantly, "I am sure of it, Cassian. He will live again. Both of you will."

I can no longer hold myself up, slumping over Eros, removing my hand from my stomach and wrapping it around Eros' hand. I bring our entwined hands to Eros' chest and look at Onyx.

Onyx loosens his grip on the Guardian's sword, dropping it out of reach and kneeling next to me again. In an unwavering tone, he says, "I will watch over him in the next life and keep him safe. I will bring him to you."

I feel the darkness taking over and breathe out slowly, Onyx's words filling me with adoration and hope.

"Thank you......old friend," I say, as my eyes close and my breathing slows. I feel a hand on my shoulder, unaware of whom it belongs, but it provides comfort all the same.

Slowly, silently, everything turns black.

My Eros AngelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum