A knock on the door signaled the first wave of guests, and Sumi practically jumped with excitement. Izaki grabbed her arm before she could answer it and leaned close. "Don't tell them I helped you cook, okay?"

"Why not?" she asked curiously.

He frowned. "How can you ask me that? You know."

Sumi giggled and motioned her finger the length of his body. "You might want to take off the apron then." She skipped off to answer the door, and he frantically took off the green apron. "Meiko-chan!"

Meiko beamed and waved at her friend. "Sumi-chan! I brought company." Shoji, Go, and Manabu stood just behind her and shouted excited hellos.

"Good! The more the merrier. Hurry up and get in here! We're expecting more so hurry and take your seat while you can." She practically yanked them inside and shoved them toward the setting in the center of the living room. Izaki had moved the coffee table and replaced it with two long tables set up like a buffet, only with chairs surrounding them. "Dinner will be ready soon."

"Izaki, are you a killer in the kitchen, too?" Manabu teased.

Izaki raised a butcher's knife, and the laughter ceased. Sumi pinched his side warningly then ran back for the door as another knock sounded. "More guests!" This time when she swung the door open, the rest of GPS stood outside. "Genji! Makkie, Chuta! Hurry up and get inside! The food'll be ready real soon so just have a seat and we can get started shortly." She frolicked back into the kitchen and gathered the food to set the table.

Meanwhile, Genji and his friends stared at the members of Serizawa Faction watching them. There was a long, awkward silence that everyone but Sumi noticed. Genji glanced sideways at Izaki standing at the kitchen counter as he cut up vegetables. Izaki nodded seriously. Genji fidgeted then sat down, and Makise and Chuta joined him on either side.

"Sumi," Izaki whispered lowly.

Sumi came up beside him and lifted her eyebrows innocently. "Hm?"

"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

Sumi eyed the group sitting at the tables and smiled. "Of course. Leave it to the Mikamis."

He raised an eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Hey Makise," started Manabu again, "you get laid yet or are you still scaring girls with your gorilla tactics?"

"What did you say?" he growled lowly.

"Kyoko still wants nothing to do with him," chimed in Chuta. "Whenever he gets within ten feet of her he practically goes all over himself!"

"Are you still that susceptible to a woman?" Go gawked. "You're an old man! Experience should be your middle name!"

"Not with that face," mumbled Genji teasingly. Makise's mouth hung at the smirking Genji as the others laughed. Izaki grinned and glanced at Sumi, who winked.

Another knock sounded on the door, and Sumi skipped across the room. "The last of ours guests! It's about time to dig in!"

"How many more people could fit in this little apartment?" Shoji asked in amazement.

Sumi swung the door open and beamed. "I was beginning to think you wouldn't show."

Tamao smirked and stepped inside, pressing his forehead into hers before passing into the living room. "If food's involved, you know I'll be here eventually."

"Everyone loves your food," said Tokio. He ruffled her hair then smiled across the room. "Meiko-chan. You came too?"

Meiko blushed and nodded. "Hai. Come sit by me, Tokio-kun! We have a lot to catch up on."

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