Chapter 2

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"Remind me why we're here again?" You said as you straightened your dress.

"We're here because you're an amazing friend who decided to accompany me on my journey of pretending to be a straight man," your best friend, Troy said.

"Exactly. So, if you want me to stay here could you please stop making fun of my shoes?" You weren't exactly expecting to come to a dating convention tonight, so you just threw on whatever you could find in the ten minutes Troy had given you to get prepared after he hung up.

"Have you ever watched Rupaul's drag race?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, and I know it's a sin to wear flats." You sighed. "I really do get it, Troy."

"Alright grumpy let's get you some champagne," he said, holding your shoulders as he nudged you towards one of the waiters. "It's rich people champagne, by the way."

"Oh, but I like my dollar tree one," you said sarcastically as you took a glass off the tray. You hated these types of conventions. Mostly because you didn't fit in at all. They were made for extremely rich people—black card kind of rich. You didn't even make a quarter of what the people in this room earned. It was frustrating that you had to pretend to enjoy the company of people of the likes of– "Mr Ren."

"What?" Troy said, utterly dumbfounded.

"Oh my fucking god," you breathed out. "My boss is here."

"What? Where?"

"Ok, don't look. He's in front of the registration table."

Troy looked in that exact direction and you almost hit him for doing so. "Hot," he said. You could tell he was very tipsy. Troy also didn't like attending these conventions. The only reason he went to them was because his mother was desperately trying to find him a wife even though he was gay. He played along with it so she would get off his back, but unfortunately that didn't stop the relentless and incessant nagging. She wanted an heir to inherit the family business, but he wasn't willing to give that to her, reasonably. So, he used this time to hang out with you. You hardly got to see each other with his busy schedule and this was the perfect way.

"Not hot," you whisper-shouted. "He's my boss and I completely embarrassed myself in front of him yesterday."

"I wasn't talking about Kylo–"

"Mr Ren." You corrected him.

"Whatever." He tutted. "I was talking about his sexy assistant."

"Oh," you said, raising an eyebrow. "That's Armitage Hux. I don't know if he's gay though. Certainly never seen him date anyone—he just follows Mr Ren around the company all the time."

"Trust me, he's gay. My gaydar is never incorrect," he whispered with a smirk.

"Whatever you say, hun." You were unconvinced. Hux didn't strike you as a person who was attracted to men.

Troy sighed while looking longingly towards your boss's assistant. "Why is Kylo Ren here anyway?"

You opened your mouth to correct him, but he did it for you.

"Fine. Mr Ren." He crossed his arms. "He could literally get any girl he liked."

You frowned. You didn't really like to gossip, but Troy always found a way to get it out of you somehow. "There's a rumour going around that Mr Ren's father desperately wants him to get married. It's kind of like your situation—you know, heir or whatever, except that Mr Ren is a robot incapable of love as people like to say."

"Damn," he said.

"Rich people and their weird ass problems." You sighed. "I swear to god."

"Amen to that," Troy said and you clinked your glasses together.

You Can Be the Boss | Kylo Ren x Reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now