Broken Love, Broken Trust

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You can't ask me to forget you. There's things in life that you just can't take back. Loving you is one of them. Asking me that, is like asking me to never have been born. It's just not possible. No one can replace you, except YOU yourself. I'd rather die alone than just move on. I'll try because you asked, but that doesn't make it better to just enjoy you while you're still here. I was just fine on my own, back when I was a kid who didn't even know what romance was. I honestly regret ever finding out. I wish I never knew that love exists. Because maybe.. maybe then I wouldn't even know  heartbreak, or betrayal, or sorrow. Maybe I wouldn't know pain or loss. Sometimes I wish I didn't even know love exists, because no matter what.. love always screws you over! People always leave, or betray you, or die! Maybe if love didn't exist people wouldn't know pain. The world wouldn't know pain. You don't want me to suffer? There's nothing you can do about that. People suffer everyday and there's nothing you can do about that. And don't apologize. You don't mean to make me suffer. Right? Some people just suffer more than others, like a fatal knife wound to the heart. And that's exactly what loss feels like, an excruciatingly painful stab to the soul. Love is like a wildfire, the disease spreads like a deadly epidemic. A worldwide mass of destruction, leaving sorrow in it's wake down every path taken. Burning the bodies and souls of innocent people. I believe love can be one of the greatest things in the world, yes, but it can also be a painful experience that everyone goes through. Nothing about life is fair, I know that much. I learned that the hard way. I learned that the world can be an evil and cruel place. So please, don't apologize. You can't take it back now, what's done is done. And there's no forgetting that or locking away the memories in a deep dark corner of your mind.

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