Chapter 1 of 28: Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Band Kids

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The tranquil evening at Guerzon Castle was anything but calm—oh, please, calm at Guerzon Castle? That's a laugh! Rusty and Jasmine were busy pelting the walls with stones, Ava and Edith were yanking on Serena's hair, while Kaitlyn and Kate were lost in their dance. Their chaotic fun came to a halt when their teacher, Mrs. Guerzon, the formidable leader, commanded their attention. "Gather around, band members, the Guerzon clan meeting is now in session." The seven girls hurried to the front, eager to listen. "Up till now, I've tasked you with minor mischief and mid-level malice," she said with a sly grin. "But now, you're ready for the grandest scheme yet!" She gestured to her faithful flute-bearing followers. "Victoria-San, unveil the target of our grand plan!" The curtains were drawn to reveal a portrait of John Saville, heralded as the finest band teacher alive. Jasmine quickly chimed in, "That's Mr. Saville! The new sensation at Junction! Rumor has it he's the bravest and best band teacher to ever do it—even for a middle school level." Rusty, unimpressed, retorted, "The best? Pfft, Jasmine, he's nothing special!" She punctuated her dismissal with a playful punch. But Mrs. Guerzon corrected her, "No, Jasmine is spot on." Rusty then quickly made amends, helping Jasmine up, "Exactly, Mrs. G! That's what I meant. Someone among us, like Jasmine or Ava, must confront him!" Mrs. Guerzon then sauntered to her throne, plotting aloud, "One of us will indeed confront him—I plan to transform the greatest band teacher into a tiny ferret, a miniature ferret at that!" She faced the children, her voice rising with excitement, "Now, WHO WILL BRING ME MR SAVILLE, TO FALL INTO MY TRAP?" Ava, nudging Rusty toward their wicked teacher, voiced her concerns, "But Mrs. G, this sounds perilous! Couldn't we just nab an elementary school teacher instead?" Mrs. Guerzon, unfazed, summoned her chosen students with a smirk. "Rusty! Jasmine! Edith! Serena! Step up!" The others stepped back, making way for Mrs. Guerzon's magic. Wielding her enchanted baton, she transformed them into Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Band Kids. "You are now empowered as Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Band Kids, unstoppable by any! Now, capture Mr. Saville for me, so I can diminish his stature!" Her command was followed by a menacing laugh.

Kamari, Haru, Mr. Jingles, and Marina had just arrived in Junction when Mr. Jingles eagerly addressed Mr. Saville, "We rushed over as soon as we got your message, Mr. Saville!" Marina quickly added her own twist, "Yeah, the first message we've received that's bigger than the post office itself!" Mr. Saville, visibly shaken, implored them for aid, "I desperately need your assistance, Orchestra Kids! I'm facing an enormous problem!" His daughter, Marin, couldn't help but amplify the situation, "ENORMOUS PROBLEM! REALLY BIG!" Saville continued, concern etched on his face, "My orchestra guards were just overpowered by Giant Band Kids! And now, they're on their way here to seize me!"

Kamari, undeterred, reassured him with a confident smile, "No challenge is too perilous for us, Lord Saville! The Orchestra Kids are at your service!" Marin, skeptical of their capabilities, mocked them, "OH PLEASE! AS IF! These kids couldn't even assist the royal navy!" Kamari, fueled by determination and a hint of anger, retorted, "What you fail to realize, young one, is that we 'shrimpy teenagers' possess the ability to become supercharged!" With a leap of faith, she dived into a pipe, proclaiming, "Come on, Haru! Let's prove to this doubter that we're not to be underestimated! Time to find some super strings!" Haru, equally motivated, followed suit, "We better find them quickly, because those Giant Ninja Band Kids will be arriving any moment now!" Together, they vanished into the pipe, embarking on a quest to Christensen in search of the power that could help them confront the looming threat.

The quartet of band kids advanced toward the orchestra palace with a pace that signaled trouble, their determination unwavering. Despite the urgency, two orchestra guards positioned themselves, ready to halt the intruders. "HEY! STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" they shouted, attempting to assert their authority. Unfazed and undeterred, the band kids continued their march toward the palace.

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