Into the Wonderland

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"Lily", Tamago questions in shock.

"Yo", Lily replies with the wave of her hand. She looks at Tamago's surprised expression. "What...? Have they never shown you their human forms? Well... partially human."

"No, they haven't", Tamago says. Lily walks past him and he turns to catch up with her. "They can do that too? And Where are you going?"

"To get onigiris", Lily responds, looking to her side where Tamago is. "You said to get it myself, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did, but I didn't know you could do this", Tamago defends himself as he gestures to all of Lily. Lily raises a brow, unamused. "Besides how is anyone not looking at you weird, since you have ears and a tail?"

"People just think that I'm doing a cheap cosplay", Lily sighs. "Humans nowadays are really stupid." Lily stops walking and looks in front of her, and Tamago does the same. They see a horse-drawn carriage heading their way.

"Is that how you guys travel", Tamago asks with uncertainty.

"No way", Lily replies. "Even if we did, I've never seen anything like that in my existence."

"Ah, my dear esteemed benefactors..." A voice says.

"Whoa, a voice comes with the carriage, too", Lily exclaims, and Tamago looks at her.

"You can hear it too", Tamago asks.

"Of course, I can hear the voice too", Lily facepalms. "I have better hearing than any useless human!"

"My, proud, beautiful flowers of evil", the voice continues. Tamago looks around to see if anything else is weird around them. Lily decides to slowly approach the carriage. "You all are truly the fairest of them all. O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat... Reveal unto me the visage I seek..."

"Oi, Lily", Tamago yells. "Get away from that thing!" Tamago goes and tries to reach for Lily, but the both get surrounded in darkness.

"As flame reduces even the stars to ash, as ice seals away even time itself. As great trees swallow even the sky, fear not the power of darkness."

Three coffins opened up and three hooded figures stepped out of them. They looks around at their surrounding to find floating coffins, more hooded figures, and a floating mirror in the near center of the room. They look down at themselves and get even more confused.

"Hey, you three", a hooded figure approached the three. They could see red hair from under the figure's hood. "It's your turn to get your dorm placement." The redhead led the trio to the mirror.

"State thy names", the mirror said. One figure stepped up, who was visibly taller than the other two figures and had dark grey hair under their hood.

"Shadow", the figure said. The other two looked at him in shock.

"Savanaclaw", the mirror boomed. There was some noise in the background, like a guessing game was going on.

"What's a 'Savanaclaw'", Shadow turned to ask the other two figures and they shrugged. Shadow walked back to the group as the smallest figure of the trio stepped up to the mirror.

"I'm Mai", the smallest figure said, they had red hair under their hood.

"Heartslabyul", the mirror booms again. In the background, there was a cheer of excitement.

"Man, I can't even pronounce that", Mai frowns as she goes back to the group. The last figure of the trio steps up to the mirror.

"Lily", the figure says. They have light blue hair.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 28, 2022 ⏰

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