Episode 1

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Monday, march 23.
8:29 PM . . .

It was cold. So cold, and just nothingness. It was quiet. Quiet to the point you can hear a pin drop. Until there was running, I could hear running that keeps getting closer, it sounds like its about 7 or 13 people..or so i thought. I slowly got up, I have been resting for some time in this abandoned well, I don't know. I'm not sure, all I know is that I'm not 'me'. I slowly walked towards the door to look out of the window, I couldn't see anyone yet. So I just let out a sigh, that sounded more like a groan, my vocal cords are torn from screaming in pain, that's a part I can remember. My body ached, as I crawled under the desk and fell back to sleep. And only an hour later, I could hear someone, or something barge in. I got up quickly without thinking, "YOU MONSTER!" I yelled but it was just a faint groan, and I screamed as I was biting the stick. Until I realized...it was a human. I quickly backed away shaking in terror going onto my knees. He was holding a gun. I tried to beg him not to shoot but he couldn't understand. "Eh..?" the man said. I continued to cry and plead, as he just narrowed his eyes at me.

Does he think I'm some kind of monster? I mean..i know i am but, I'M STILL HERE! I was close to giving up. Until he also went onto his knees, looking into my eyes. I stared back at him, shaking more, tilting my head to the side. "You're not like the rest...are you?" he said, reaching his hand towards me. I nodded my head a bit, then he looked like he saw a ghost, "could..could you understand me?! Wow! this- this is crazy!" he yelled standing up quickly, i didn't really like that he was yelling, but i did like his energy.

He helped me up quickly, staring at me. I was a bit freaked out by how he was smiling. "I never knew a zombie could understand me!" he yelled more, a zombie huh..? Damn..so thats why its more cold than usual. I thought to myself. He started waving his hands in front of my face, "hello? You alright? not thinking about hurting me, right?" he joked around, i stared at him for a moment tilting my head to the side. "Well, let's get you out of here. I have to head back to my base soon." he grabbed my hand, i looked at him for a moment and just nodded.

As we stepped out of the room, he grabbed a kinda small box out of his bag, and spoke into it. I looked at him confused wondering what he was doing talking into a small box like that. Until the voice beeped and spoke back, I was hella surprised and grabbed it examining it. "Hey! Give me the walkie-talkie back!" he yelled, i quickly gave it back staring at him for a moment. He grabbed my hand again. He looked to where the stairs were, "cmon." he lightly said.

As we ran up the stairs, I could hear noises from upstairs, I groaned a bit going ahead of him. He had an annoyed face, wondering what I was up to. I scratched at the door quickly, he understood that I wanted the door open, as he opened the door I quickly ran out slamming it shut. There were 2-4 zombies there, I growled as I started to push them off, some of them didn't care because I was also dead. As I pushed each one off, the man barged in to see why I was gone for too long. I growled trying to tell him to go back.

He of course didn't understand...and as the last 2 walkers saw him, they ran. I started running to the one closest to him. "What are you- HEY!" he yelled, as I pushed him out of the way. I bit the walker on the neck, throwing it off. The man stared at me, a mix of annoyance and anger was on his face. I frowned at him, "you do know i just-" i growled out half way being attacked by the other walker. The man quickly grabbed his gun, and pointed at me and the walker.

We began to fight it out, the man trying to aim at the other. Until..it happened so fast. What if i never stopped to see his expression. As my arm was ripped off by the walker. A scream came out, not like a low pitched scream, and not the girl kind either. It was such a blood curdling scream, you can hear the agony. I thought I couldn't feel pain anymore but..that was definitely not true.

As I screamed in agony, the man shot the zombie. But I of course was still in pain..

The man grabbed me by the other hand quickly, looking up. I was wincing in pain at this point.. I was confused about what was happening. Until I heard such an annoying noise from above..then the man's jacket was put onto me, I was confused at first, when the strange object landed I realized its a helicopter, I shrugged it off going in to just sit down. The person..or i should say woman, was driving the helicopter, she had really nice hair.

She looked at me, and smiled then back at him, giving such a sappy love smile, it disgusted me. "So..Hizashi, who's this guy?" the woman said, as she started the helicopter up again. So hizashis his name..sounds familiar.
Hizashi looked at me, for a moment then back at her. "This is one of the survivors i found in the building." he spoke out, until it hit me, he put the jacket over me because i'm..TECHNICALLY a zombie. But I was somehow different from the rest...how?

The woman stared at me, keeping a smiling "well hello..i'm nanami! What's your name, sweets?" she said, i stayed quiet, knowing my voice won't work. Until Hizashi spoke up, "oh..he uh cant speak because uh..he was in that building for so long..um ... that his vocal cords are um..broken! Yes..broken from screaming for help." he quickly said, sitting down buckling in.

She nodded slightly unsure, then we were off.. I looked down at the broken world, frowning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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