My hometown fans were going crazy as I was about to walk out and stare down Miz. The reason Kaori's not coming out yet is because if Maryse slaps me, that's when the Pirate Princess comes out to help out her twin brother.

I went out just being as happy as I can be. I still had my jacket on and I was going to surprise everyone what I was wearing a shirt that will cheer my people up.

Other than that, I seriously couldn't wait to fight Miz because they want to talk shit about my country, they better say it to my face because here's something people don't know about: the Japanese are proud people and we will not let any scumbags like Miz and his wife disrespect us.

I was walking down the ramp with a look that can kill Miz in a heartbeat. As soon as I went in the ring, I got into Miz's face with another huge glare as he was grinning as if he didn't care. He was about to talk into the mic again, but I slapped it out of his hand.

The crowd was shocked at what was going on, and then, like he would always do, Miz would hide behind his wife as she glared at me, but I smiled with such cockiness.

Then, I expected her to do it, Maryse slapped my face. I didn't flinch because I looked back at the titantron, and I gestured Kaori to come out...

When her theme played, everyone lost their minds as Maryse and Miz were not expecting these twin siblings to team up and take down these two Hollywood actor wannabes.

Kaori entered in her pirate hat, coat, and that steer she would carry to the ring while showing off the NXT Women's Championship around her waist.

Her eyes tell the story: she wants to cry. How can I blame her? She's home, not just with me, but in Yamaguchi, Japan.

She walked down to the ring with a glare like mine as she put down the wheel, hat, coat, and title, but very carefully, and ran inside the ring beside me as we had a standoff with the two so called A-Listers.

We stayed like it for a bit until the four of us started fighting and Miz and Maryse looked to clothesline us, but Kaori and I bumped back into the same ropes where the two were going to clothesline us, but, just like I would, Kaori and I moved out of the way and we locked in our sleeper hold.

Then, about 15 seconds, the two were getting weak. Kaori and I nodded at each other and we flipped them on their stomachs as I locked in my Fujiwara Armbar on Miz and Kaori locked in her Anchor on Maryse.

Our people were cheering for us as we locked it in and we had to let go, but they were about to run away, then I had an idea.

Since Kaori and I are home in Yamaguchi, what better way to challenge these to a mixed tag match between us and them?

I grabbed a mic from the announcer and I yelled in Japanese...

Me: あなた二人! 米国! (YOU TWO! US!)

Here comes me speaking slightly English...


I threw down the mic and gestured them to come in the ring with us. I noticed they were in their ring gear while I made my entrance, which was a smart call and eventually, they relented after Kaori and I cleared the ring of chairs, plants, even the matting they would have while doing their talk show.

Before the match got started, I took off my jacket, and I revealed this shirt:

Before the match got started, I took off my jacket, and I revealed this shirt:

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