Chapter 19 Oops No Empires

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(Saturday 3:45 PM)

"Official Homecoming Planning Committee"


Hello planning committee


After our very successful announcement


I would like a recap on the events of the week


Ayy you said it


Just tell me what happened I've been missing from the past week

Right away


Zloy's been typing for 10 minutes and I am terrified


Isn't that normal for him?


Yeah but it's a recap for this week


It'll be fine


Yeah it's fine


It's fine its fine its fine


Are you saying that something isn't fine?


I just said it's fine, X


That's just what the government wants you to think


You are quite literally part of the student government Zed


Oh yeah


That what the other government wants you to think


Monday October 4-

Zedaph decided to calculate the curve of the world and determined the world isn't actually flat. Doc tried doing the same thing and learned that the world is "too round". He hasn't been seen since.

Tuesday October 5-

Ren made a man-shaped hole inside of the student center as he ran to that one homeschooled kid's house (I think his name is Marten or something? Is it like the animal? I never actually learned his name and at this point I don't think I can ask anymore. I don't know what their relationship is but he calls him his "hand" I don't know what that means.)

Also Bruno had a "house party" in the cafeteria and asked anyone who came for housewarming gifts so I think he lives in the cafeteria now?

Wenisday October 6-

Mumbo got stuck in a washing machine and Grian tried to give him cpr

Bdubs in retaliation for last year's throw short people day gathered the other gnomes to organize a toss tall people day with their first victim being Mumbo who was tossed into a washing machine. No idea where the washing machine came from.

Thursday October 7-

During the swim meet the blue haired kid (with pronouns) got a nosebleed and fainted so the junior captain had to carry him to the nurse's office. Also some red haired robotics kid got stuck in the vents claiming he tripped and fell into the ceiling. I think he was hiding something in there. The junior swim captain also started a war with the robotics kid so now there's a war between the swim team and the robotics club.

Maybe the Real Empires Was the Friends We Made Along the WayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora