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The story begins In Hastinapur.

 Kauravas, Karn, Gandhar Raj, Dritharashtra, Bhishma, Vidhur all were sitting at their respective places. A sainik announced the arrival of Pandavas.

The game of Dyut started in the meeting hall. Shakuni started playing on behalf of Duryodhana. Dronacharya, Kripacharya, and the other invited kings were also present. Shakuni was clever in throwing the dice. Yudhishthira lost the gems and ornaments in the first bet. In the second bet all the funds were lost. In the third one, he lost his army.

Vidura explained to Dhritarashtra that this deceitful game would have bad consequences. Let it be here, at this, Duryodhana bad-mouthed Vidur. The humiliated Vidura left the meeting hall.

One by one Yudhishthira lost his kingdom, his brothers and himself. Shakuni encouraged them to bet Draupadi and said- 'If you win this bet, you will get whatever you have lost so far.' The intellect of Yudhishthira, who was called Dharmaraj and Mahatma, was killed by the intoxication. Actually, not Intoxication, but he considered it as the last chance to win back everything, but fate had something else for him. He put Draupadi at stake. Shakuni shrewdly threw the dice and conquered Draupadi too. The joy of the Kauravas knew no bounds. Duryodhana went mad with Happiness. His brothers started dancing. The Pandavas were sitting in shame.

In the head of victory, Duryodhana, looking at Vidura with a sarcastic look, said to his brother Vikarna - 'Go bring Draupadi. She is now our maidservant.' 

In my view, he deserves death for those words.

When Vidura heard of it, he too came. Vidura warned him – 'Foolish Duryodhana! You did not listen to my advice. Now you yourself are sowing the seeds of destruction of your own lineage.' Duryodhana ignored Vidura's words.

Vikarna told Draupadi about the gamble played in the hall and its result. She was stunned by surprise. He said to Vikarna - 'How did he have the right to stake me when he had lost himself?' Vikarna came and told about Draupadi's question. No one could answer it. Duryodhana Irritated and sent Dushasan. Dushasan was evil in nature. There was no effect of anything on him. Draupadi ran towards Gandhari's palace to save herself. Dushasan caught her in the middle. He grabbed her hair and dragged her to the hall.

Draupadi's clothes were in disarray. Seeing her plight, Bhishma, Vidur, Dronacharya, Kripacharya and other people were stunned. The Pandavas were sitting motionless with their heads bowed. Draupadi lamented and said - 'Damn the descendants of Bharata. Seeing the violation of Dharma and dignity, all the Kshatriyas are sitting helplessly.'  Saying this he asked Bhishma to answer his question. Bhishma Said- 'The person who becomes subordinate by defeating himself cannot put the other at stake. Along with this, the husband always has the right over his wife. I cannot say anything about the fact that you are under Duryodhana.'

Duryodhana was about to humiliate Draupadi. He behaved inappropriately. Bhima got angry and thundered- "Duryodhana, I will one day crush this thigh of yours with my mace."  Duryodhana was furious at this. He said with sorrow- 'Draupadi is ours. We can deal with her however we want. You take off her clothes.' He ordered Dushaasana.

Sadness started moving towards her. The helpless Draupadi looked at everyone with imperfect eyes. She remembered Shri Krishna. She started praying to him with a tearful throat, -"O Krishna! You are my only helper now. Protect me." She pleaded. 

Vasudeva protected her that moment. Dushasan tried his best but couldn't demean Draupadi. Except Draupadi, the ornaments and shawls of everyone were on the floor. All the heads bent in guilt... and some of them, in disbelief. 

Bhima got up and vowed in an angry voice- 'I promise in front of you all that I will uproot these hands of this lowly misery. I will quench my thirst with his blood by tearing his chest. If I could not do this, I would not go to Pitralok.'  

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