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klaud nine pov:

it has been nine mounths after that night with cross and after the first week i found out i was pregnaent. i was in the middle of child birth when i finaly heard a cry i had finaly give birth to my child. and was trying to figreu out if i should keep him or not. while i was holding him in my armes and i choose to keep him and named him (y/n).

three year later

klaud nine pove:

it had been exactly three year since(y/n) was born i got extreamly overprocted when an akuma should up and killed it quikly. it was his third birthday and one thing i noticed about my son was that he really liked to draw and he and intreasting imginenation a perk for seeing akuma i geuss. i had decided to get him a drawing book and coloring kit for his birthday.

hey (yln) i said

mama said(y/n) as he ran to me

i got you somthing i said and handed the drawing book and coloring kit

what are these mama he asked

a drawing book and coloring kit so you can draw i said. and he made a smile and hugged me

thank you mama i love it he said. and i smiled toand huged him back.

1 year later

(y/n) pov

It has been 1 year since mom got me the colering book and i was drawing in it right now. i was in the hotel room we rented while i wait for her to return while i was coloring i heard a knock on the door i open a crack to see how it was and a random man with a weird smile and was about to ask somthing but i closed the door and continue coloring then i heard a knock again. And open it slighly to same man but this time when i went to closed it he stoped it with his hand and asked.

may i come in asked the strang man

no sorry mister i treid to sound polite.

but he would'nt move his hand.

um sir can you pls move your hand i asked.

but then the man had a crazed smile and transform into an akuma. i tried to get away but the akuma followed me. then my drawing book glowed and one of my drawing came to life and destroyed it and dissiper.
just in time my mama saw what happen i did'nt now what to do and could'nt move but mama came over to me kneeled down to my hight and gave hug rubed my back then i realize i was crying.

klaud nine pov

as (y/n) was crying i was trying to calm him down after what i saw my son possed inocents i should have known better then to think my son would not posseses one after he is a son of not one but 2 generols. right now i can't do much exectp prepare him for road ahead him and smile.

the son of genreal cross and general klaud nineWhere stories live. Discover now