chapter 3: unpredictable

Start from the beginning

You sighed in relief as you smelled the fresh air, contrary to the strong antiseptic in the previous room, and you slipped your hands into your pockets, making your way towards the main building where the cafeteria was.

Maki and Panda were already there, sitting quietly at a table while munching on their lunch, their eyes downcast and movements slow.

"Uh, hey guys." You said, walking towards them with two onigiris in your hand. Their heads snapped up as they heard your voice, and your eyes widened at their sudden motion.

Panda was the first to speak, placing a hand on your shoulder as you sat down. "Oh my, I'm so glad you're okay!" He used your last name with formalities and you cringed.

You corrected him immediately — you liked it better when people used your first name than your last. It made you seem like a new person, changed from your past self that held burdens that you didn't need to continue carrying.

You were relieved to see their movements loosen slightly.

Maki spoke too. "I'm also glad you're okay... How's Toge?" She said, taking a bite out of her tamago.

The sound of his name made you stiffen, and the guilt washed over you again like an unforgiving tidal wave. "Um..." You started, unsure how to phrase it.

"Inumaki-san is asleep now. Ieiri-san did a reverse thing on him." You wiggled your fingers, trying and failing to mimic the gesture of the reverse cursed technique. They nodded, their eyes filling with worry.

Maki looked at Panda and he nodded. "Uh, we wanted to apologize for not getting to two you sooner. It seemed like the curse had set up an Innate Domain inside the shrine, so we got lost the moment we entered. Toge was lucky to have found you."

Your eyes widened. "Please don't apologize." You said, waving your hands. "It was neither of your faults."

"Must've been shit for your first mission to go like this, huh?" Panda added, squinting his eyes. You could only shrug.

They only nodded, silence falling between the three of you.

"I was going to visit him after this to give him some food." You held up the onigiri that you hadn't eaten yet.

Panda grimaced. "Is that grilled salmon onigiri?" He asked, pointing to it.

"Uh, yes?" You said, confusedly. "It's a commonly liked flavor so I thought it would be the safest option." You shrugged.

Maki shook her head. "His favorite is tuna-mayo." She said and peered at you from behind her glasses. You froze.

I didn't know he had a specific flavor he liked! You panicked internally, your ears turning slightly red. "Right. I'll go get another."

"I'll eat that one!" He smiled and took the grilled salmon onigiri from your hand. You sighed and nodded.

When you returned with the correct onigiri flavor, you asked, "Will you guys join me?" They were putting their stuff away when they looked at you.

Panda looked solemn while Maki bit her lip in guilt. "We have a minor mission right now. You guys were told not to come since you are still resting."

Your eyes widened a fraction before you 'ahh'ed and nodded, looking glumly at the floor.

"We will visit him the moment we get back." Panda reassured, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Speaking of which, you should be resting too, y'know?"

You shrugged and sent him a smile. "Good luck, Zenin-san, Panda-san."

Maki smiled. "Call me Maki."

"And I, just Panda!" He exclaimed with a smile.

With that, you nodded and waved them goodbye. Gosh, they're so cool. You thought, watching them walk away professionally.


YOU DIDN'T REALIZE how nerve-wracking it would be to visit Inumaki until you were walking up the steps of the sanatorium building.

Every step you took closer to the light-haired boy seemed like a step closer to confrontation — something you were completely terrified of.

How will he react? Will he hate me? You half-hoped he'd still be asleep.

Before you even realized, you were standing in front of his door. It had been labelled with his name in lovely cursive font: Inumaki Toge, and you took a deep breath before knocking.

"Shake?" Said a voice from inside. You braced yourself and pushed the door open.


fact: if the medusa cursed technique is used on a cursed spirit/user of a very high grade, the pressure behind the eyes will burst a few capillaries causing them to bleed. when reader was a child and had just inherited the technique, they were unable to stop the bleeding, everything being of high cursed energy grade at that age.

hmm how will he react i wonder...

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