I was about to express my gratitude when Metawin swiftly gets another sandwich from the basket.

This asshole! Saraleo!

Without thinking, I bite into the sandwich in his hands as fast as I can, determined to eat it before Metawin could.

Except, all that meant was I now had half a small sandwich in my mouth and Metawin had the other half in his.

"Let the sandwich go," I hiss, unwilling to let go of my half.

"You are being selfish," Metawin replies, digging his teeth deeper into his half of the sandwich.

"I am claiming what is rightfully mine."

"I already have my saliva on it."

"So what?"

"So just let me have it."

Against my better judgment, I dart my tongue in and out, marking my territory. I do it even as every fiber of my upbringing was screaming for me to act like a prince and not a pre-pubescent oaf. 
"My half has saliva too, so let me have it," I say snarkily - as snarkily as is possible when you have half a sandwich in your mouth.

"Your Highness, come on. You are not going to eat something that has been in someone else's mouth."

Normally, he'd be right. But Metawin Teepakorn pushed my buttons in a way no one else has. I refused to lose to him. "Try me."

We glare at each other, mouths closed around each side of the sandwich, each one refusing to move.

I needed to do something before the bread melted in my mouth. I feign a sigh, as if I felt defeated. I see Metawin's eyes begin to gleam. I loosen my lips ever so slightly as if ready to give up the sandwich. This makes Metawin loosen his lips too.

And that's when I attack - with one movement, I swallow the sandwich whole.

I am almost choking but I feel triumphant.

"You bit my lip!," Metawin complains.

I was too busy doing a victory dance to pay him any attention.

He snarls and starts reaching for the picnic basket. But I was wise to his tricks now, so I manage to keep blocking his hands and his arm with my body.

Metawin was losing miserably and was sulking. He was an adorable sulker, even I could admit that. But his particular set of charms wasn't going to work on me twice in a day.

He lunges for the bouquet instead. The fucker.

"That's. For. The. Person. I. Plan. To. Marry." I struggle to say as I try and pull the bouquet away from his surprisingly vice like grip.

"Dara. Doesn't. Like. Flowers."

"Give. Them. Back."

"Give. Me. More. Sandwiches."

We keep pulling, teeth gritted, eyes locked on each other. Each of us too stubborn to end this ridiculous tug of war.

"I cannot believe I canceled a meeting for this."

I look at Metawin quizzically. That didn't sound like his voice. I find that he was startled too.

Slowly, we look upwards.

Staring at us was Dara and the two corgis she now had in her arms.

Metawin clears his throat as he lets go of the bouquet. That sends me tumbling backwards, head hitting the picnic basket.

"How long have you been standing there?," Metawin asksDara.

"Long enough to know am not needed on this date."

I try to recover whatever dignity I had left. I leap to my feet, slightly ruined flowers in hand. I gallantly - or rather I hope I looked gallant - offer it to Dara with a small bow.

She sighs. "He's right you know. I am allergic to pollen."

Metawin sticks his tongue out at me.

"Please Dara, my Lady. I know this is not what you expected but it would mean the world if you can join me."

"Us!," Metawin pipes up.

Dara and I both glare at him but he smiles back, unfazed. That man will be the death of me.

"I cannot believe I canceled a meeting and bought a dress just to be a chaperone," Dara sighs as she gently puts the dogs on thr ground and takes a seat on the blanket.

"Chaperone? Of course not! This is all- "

"Please just take the flowers away from me and hand me a sandwich. I beg you Your Highness."

I nod and begin fixing her a plate of food.

"How about me?," Metawin whines jokingly, framing his cheeks with his palms.

His face made me want to laugh. But I stopped myself.

Instead I shove the bouquet into his arms. "You can eat the flowers."

- - -
Author's Note:
Just wanted to share these photos from Twitter.

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Like P'Min, I too think Win should end up with Bright

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Like P'Min, I too think Win should end up with Bright. 💕💕💕

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