"Nikolai but you can call me Nick"


Ever since that day, Blake and Nick became friends.  Well more like Blake became his bodyguard. He got to find out that Nick has homeschooled him since his mother's job was too dangerous for him to be out alone but he somehow convinced her to go to a public school.

Blake found it weird, what job could his mom have that would prevent him from going to school since he is the same age as him. He also learned that those two bullies were someone he used to go to school with till he dropped out.

They would mostly hang out at Blake's house playing video games or watching Star Wars, nerds.  They found out that they had a lot in common, from the types of music they listen to, to favourite tv shows, to horror movies. It was pretty cool having another friend other than Josh.

Blake left the room to go to the kitchen. Nick took out a bag filled with white substances, he took some and sniffed it, sighing at the pleasure it brought.

When he heard the footsteps he quickly put it back into his bag and tried to act normal. Blake came and gave him some soda that he found in the fridge, he notice the white thing on Nick's face but didn't bother to ask, thinking it was the power dessert they had earlier.

Blake tried to not be curious but he wanted to meet his friend's parents. Nick had already met Blake's own who love him already, so he was curious. He never asked and mostly gave hints about it.

So that's why he was surprised when Nick asked, "Want to meet my ma?"

"I mean sure but how come you're asking me?"

"Because she wants to meet the kid who protected her son from his bullies"

If you saw how fast Blake drove to the grocery store.  He bought some items to make some chocolate cookies. His mom always thought him to never go to someone's house empty-handed.

He made the cookies, but hardly have any left for his family since Nick decided to eat almost EVERYTHING he made. It's like these people don't feed that boy.


"So, you're the boy who saved my baby?"

"Ma don't call me that in front of him!" Blake laughs at his friend's expression. He was sitting at the table drinking some milk that Nick's mother, Laurie had provided.

"Pretty much" She hums at him. Blake watched Nick's stepfather and stepbrother eat his cookies, "You a chef, boy?"

"No sir. I sometimes cook for my family and friends"

"Single parent?"

"Nope.  My mom still loves my dad and my brothers are still living at home"

"Nick doesn't get rid of him. He should come over more. Next time bring some of them brown shit uh-"  Blake cuts him off, "You mean brownies, sir?"

"Yeah that. Jr let's go." The father and son duo left the house while eating Blake's cookies.

Laurie got to know Blake as well as he did of her. Somehow she saw him as her own son. She was very happy that her meek son had found a friend such as Blake.


It is Saturday and Blake and Nick were driving back home after hanging out at an arcade.  Blake tried getting Josh to join but said he had work. At this point, it felt as if he was avoiding him. Blake reminded himself to confront his friend tomorrow at school.

"So you excited for school?" He asked. Nick shakes his head, "I guess, not really sure if I'm feeling gassy"

"You know what I do when I'm feeling like that?" Nick shakes his head. He watches as Blake puts a CD in the car stereo.  

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want" Blake screamed.

Nick looked at him as if he was crazy, "Are you serious?"

"I've never been more serious in my life," Blake said with a serious glare. Blake and Nick had a staring context till the smaller boy lost and gave in.

"So tell me what you want" Blake smiled at him. "What you really, really want"

"I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha) I wanna, (ha)" The duo started shouting the lyrics.

"I wanna really, really, really wanna zigazig ah"

Once they were done, they both laughed at how ridiculous they were being. Blake parked the car when in front of Nick's house, he saw a car parked on the other side, "Who's car is that?",  Nick looks but doesn't recognize it, "I don't know. Want to come up? Ma been asking for you "

"Yeah. I was supposed to give her the recipe for the last brownies I made"

"Please don't. She cant bake for shit" As they were going up the stairs, they heard yelling coming from the house. Nick opened the door and saw a ginger-haired man naked, with a blonde girl as well. On the other side of the room was a dark-skinned girl cowering herself.

"Ma! I'm home! What's going on?" Nick asked looking around. His mother quickly came to her son, "Nicky what are you doing home so early?"

"I have to prepare for school Ma...what's this?"

"A friendly talk with friends." He looked at his mother, knowing damn well this isn't a friendly talk. Blake came through the door all smiling until he saw what was going on.

"Fez? Rue? Why the fuck are you naked man?"  Blake raises his eyebrows at the scene. He didn't expect his friends to know Nick's mom.

"Blake, you know these people?" Laurie asked, the boy nods his head, "Yeah I do. I sometimes drop food for them. They're friends. How do they know-?" Blake asked but was cut off by Fez, "Blake how the fuck you know these people?"

"Uh, I'm friends with Nick and-wait what the fuck is going on? Wait do you sell drugs to her?!"

Fez didn't see the warning signs Nick was trying to give him, "No she's my supplier"

Blake leaned back. He looks at Fez, then at Rue, then at  Nick. Bruce got up from his seat by Laurie and came over to Fez's side. He took the ginger-haired boy's head and slammed it on the wall, "Shut your mouth"

Blake turned his attention back to Nick, "You sell drugs? Hardcore drugs?"

"Blake I didn't want you to know that-"

"You told me that your mom was a fucking accountant.  An accountant."

"Look I didn't-"

"That white stuff you took a few days ago at my house... that was drugs?" Nick didn't say anything. Blake nods his head, feeling disappointed. He wouldn't have minded if his friend did drugs. Josh did them, Fez did them, he didn't have an issue with that. But it's the fact that Nick lied about them and used them in his house that was the problem.

"Can you let them go? They clean. Fez is a cool guy and Rue, she doesn't do these types of things" Bruce  grips Fez's head tighter, "What about blondie?"

"Don't know her but she doesn't look like she would think about doing that." He comments. Bruce and Laurie held a staring contest until Nick asked her to let them go.  She listened, she told the boys to let them go which they did.  She asked if they were ready to do business and both Fez and her headed to the other room.

Blake goes to leave when he feels a grip on his hand, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you"

Blake didn't say anything but shove Nick's hand off of him. He leaves the house and goes into his truck to drive home.

Nick watched the door, feeling sad that his only friend just left him.


Hello! We are in Season 2
Whoop whoop!
What do people think of
Nick so far? Don't worry I haven't gotten rid of Josh. Can't do that

Thank you everyone for making it this far!

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