III. Hawthorne Family Drama

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"Fuck no," Lila immediately said the next day upon noticing the two middle Hawthorne brothers entering the library she had settled herself in. The one she always settled herself in when she didn't want to stay in her room. There were tons of other libraries in the House so they obviously picked this one on purpose.

Jameson placed a hand upon his heart with a gasp of mock-betrayal. "Dahlia, it's as if you don't want us here."

"I don't," she confirmed from her perch on the desk while looked like the stump of a tree. "Because you'll get into some sort of fight or the other and it will distract me from work. Go be idiots somewhere else," she ordered.

"Jameson and I are perfectly capable of being civil," Grayson said, his steps confident and purposeful as he marched to a shelf and pulled out a book.

Jameson copied his brother but on the other side of the room. They both stood there, as far from each other as possible as they read or pretended to. Lila narrowed her eyes suspiciously but used the peace to continue with her paperwork. The room was quiet save for the scratching of her pen and the flipping of paper.

"So Dahlia," Jameson broke the silence. "How does your boyfriend feel about Gray's late night visit to your room ?"

Lila's pen stopped mid stroke, her signature half laid onto the page at the boy's words. It took everything in her not to look at Grayson when she finally lifted her head. Jameson was still bent over his book, looking as though he hadn't spoken. And if it weren't for the smirk on his lips, Lila actually might have thought she imagined the question. Instead she raised an eyebrow. "You jealous, James ?"

"Of Grayson ? Never," he retorted. "We all know you love me more. Though, does make me feel kind of bad for Fitz."

"There's nothing to feel bad about. Need I remind you, I hate your brother."

"I am standing right here," Grayson reminded, his voice completely deadpanned.

"I know," she offered a sardonic smile. He sent the same smile back at her. Gone was the truce and whatever confused tenderness there had been between them the previous day.

"Why were you there then ?" Jameson inquired, this time shooting the question at his older brother.

"I was making sure that jackass hadn't hurt her."

"Fuck off, Grayson," Lila glared as Jameson immediately straightened, all teasing and mirth leaving him as he demanded, "What ?"

"It's nothing," Lila stated. "I'm fine. He wouldn't hurt me. He isn't some abusive asshole or this bad guy you all so clearly want him to be. Stop treating him like one."

"You can do better," Grayson told her. "He's controlling and possessive."

"You'd know all about that, wouldn't you ?" Lila knew it was a low blow. She knew it was meant to be, especially considering Jameson was in the room too but she was so tired of them all acting like Fitz was a bad person. They had known a bad person and done nothing except let her walk all over everyone. So Lila didn't even try to stop and kept going. "At least he actually wants me for me."

Grayson flinched. Jameson looked away. She got off the table and stormed out of the library, muttering, "I need some air." They all knew what she actually meant was she needed to get away from Grayson.


"—the Great Room, of course," was what Lila heard as she reached the stairs that lead to the foyer. "The formal dining is farther down, then the kitchen, the chef's kitchen—"

Last Great American Dynasty - Grayson Hawthorne [REWRITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora