Ex Chapter 25 : Luna

Începe de la început

Gabriel:"...What's happening to me? Is this a malfunction or something?"

He asked to himself before tightening his hand on his head and pulling out a plate of metal exposing some skin inside him...He stopped and threw the Metal plate down... He then took his hand and touched his exposed flesh

Gabriel:"I...i was human... When?"

He said before pickup up the metal plate again
Sophia:"Chang... What's it like in Kowloong?"

Chang stopped before looking at Sophia and then back to the outside world

Chang yu:"It was... Awful yet Mesmerising"

Sophia:"How so?"

Chang yu:"I worked at a Theater once you know... Didn't make the cut and barely making ends meet from time to time... I had to resort to extreme measures you know"


Chang yu:"Something like that... Yes"

Sophia then continued to hold out the crates and directing some of the personeel

Chang yu:"But its better here than that dammed Place... I feel free here.... Minus the occasional orders but nonetheless im greatful i was here"

Chang Yu then remembers how he fought someone he knew back then on the Train... Maybe things could have ended differently on his end if he chose another option

Chang Yu:"But none of that matters anyways right? I'll just keep it to myself... Maybe I'll tell you from time to time"

Back at Kowloong

Raiden:"Everything good on your end!? Guys!"

Commander:"Yes sir! We're ready to add the final repairs!"

Raiden:"Good Good! How about you guys!? How's the leak!?"

Construct:"We're close sir! We can figure out how to stop the leak! It'll take time tho!"

Raiden:"It's ok Take your time!"

Raiden then walks towards the Support Force area

Raiden:"How's all the injured"

Support Force Member:"Oh! Commandant Raiden... Don't worry there all fine, how's things on your end?"

Raiden:"We're doing good... Where's Leader Bridget?"

Bridget:"Over here! One and only!"

Raiden looked for the source and saw Bridget handling out some bandages to the injured before standing up and walking towards him

Bridget:"Is that really you!? Raiden-sama!"

Bridget clasped her hands together while looking at him excited

Raiden:"Yep... You must be Bridget huh?"

Bridget:"Yes Yes Yes! Ofcourse Raiden-sama! So what do you need?"

Raiden:"How long will the injured constructs return to their duties?"

Bridget:"About 2 hours from now!"

Raiden:"Quite the Excited one are we?"

Bridget:"Raiden-sama! Can i get a Signature!?"

Raiden:"Eh? What for?"

Bridget:"Your one of the WGAA Trio! Please i need yours to complete the signature trio! Please Sign my Notebook!"

Bridget said with sparkles in her eyes... Raiden sweat dropped before nodding

//Punishing Gray Raven\\ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum