Start from the beginning

As you became calmer, your grasp on Nico's arm loosened. Nico breathed a sigh of relief and grabbed your shoulders. "Do you want to find Karolina together? So you won't be alone?"

You locked your gaze on her for a moment before nodding softly. Nico grinned as she took your hand and brought you to one of the mansion's rooms in search of her companion. "Karolina?" Nico called out loud as she opened the doors. "Karolina?"

You raised your other hand and, using your powers, formed a ball of light. However, you saw that the color of your abilities was still attempting to alter to blue or red. "Something's not right." You murmured.

"Yeah, no shit." Nico sighed as she focused on finding her girlfriend. "Earthquakes and now Karolina being gone without saying something to us? That's unusual of her."

You looked at Nico before shaking your head in dismay before continuing your search for the tall blonde-haired female. Nico and you returned to the main hall with no luck, hoping to see the others return as well. "There's no sign of her upstairs," Gert informed the group as she walked down the stairs.

"Although," Chase added as he also walked down the stairs from the other side. "Pretty sure I saw, like, rat-sized cockroaches back there."

Old Lace growled in delight, causing Molly to smile. "Bite-sized Old Lace snacks."

Gert shook her head at Old Lace and Molly while resting her hands on her hips. "No. Gross." While you, Nico, and Alex stood there watching, Old Lace whimpered and lowered her head in sadness. Gert sighed. "Fine. Who am I to judge the dietary habits of a homeless dinosaur."

Old Lace roared with delight as she dashed upstairs to the location where Chase had stated she could find her food.

"Guys!" Nico yelled sternly as she placed her hands on her waist. "Focus. Karolina."

"Look," Alex sighed. "She's not in here injured, okay? Which means she's out there, probably totally fine." He tried to calm Nico down.

Nico shook her head, getting more agitated. "Except it might be worse out there." She argued.

You crossed your arms and stood next to Alex. "Way to reassure your ex, Wilder." You whispered.

Alex winced. "I tried. I'm not good at comforting."

"We need to partner up, comb the area nearby," Nico instructed the team.

Molly turned her head to see the person that you and your friends have been looking for for hours. "Or maybe we don't need to go anywhere," Molly stated with a smile.

You and the others turned to Molly and saw her looking behind. You turned your heads and saw Karolina entering the mansion. "Hey." She greeted with a smile. "Is everyone okay?"

Alex took a deep breath of relief and sat down on a chair. Nico crossed her arms. "Where were you?" She asked sternly. "We were worried."

Karolina sighed. "Sorry. I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk in the woods. I really didn't mean to worry anyone."

Nico gave up her angry expression and embraced Karolina, knowing she couldn't bear being upset with her partner any longer. You cast a glance down at Alex, who was looking away. Molly grinned as she prodded you lightly. "If you just make a move on him already, I'm sure he could fully move on from Nico." She whispered.

You give her a cold stare before taking Molly away from the team. "Molly, enough." Molly furrowed her eyebrows. "Enough?" She asked.

"I'm not making a move on Alex, okay? Having a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or a romantic partner is not my priority right now." You stated in a hushed tone. "There are more things to take care of than my feelings for him, got it?"

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