I hate you....but you're mine.

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As I picked myself up off the floor for the millionth time that day, my eyes narrowed on the cause of my current situation.

Jackson Wang, the school nutcase. For some reason on the first day I stepped into this building two years before this jock had taken a dislike to me immediately and my life had been hell since then.

'Just wait, Wang...You'll be sorry.' 

My brain spoke to me but my lips remained silent...However my narrowed eyes caused me more trouble.

"Who do you think you're glaring at Kim?"

Placing my backpack on my shoulder I turned and attempted to walk away but my body was pulled back by the strap of my bag.

"Dare to ignore me do you..."

The punch in my gut that preceded that question damn near knocked the wind out of my whole body and I tried to take a deep breath and stand still again, I wouldn't let him see me react, I would remain strong.

However my lack of response seemed to anger him more and the fist that connected with my face succeeded on bringing me to the floor yet again.

For the next five minutes I tried to shield my body from his punches until two word's from another student finally let me breathe.

"Principal Beak."

In seconds I was alone as the students ran from there, it was now that I dropped to the floor and tried to take some breaths to fill my lungs, ignoring the pain in my chest as I did so.

"You there...What are you doing?"

Principal Beak's voice reached my ears and I stood shakily, turning to face the man who had spoken.

His breath caught in his throat as he looked upon my face.

"Kim? You again, who was it this time."

I knew if I said anything my life would be over, and I could feel eyes on me from one of the classrooms. I glanced and saw Jackson wang watching me, when he pulled his finger across his neck while glaring at me I knew I wouldn't get help this time.

"I...I fell sir." Was my reply.

He sighed and shook his head.

"You seem to fall a lot lately Kim, head to the nurses office for now."

Bowing at him I wandered off, still feeling eyes on me from the classroom.

Reaching the nurses office I paused...If I went in there she would contact my mother again...and this time It would really hit the fan. My mother was overly protective of me, and the last time I was in this situation she had made the attacker get suspended...He had been a friend of Wang's so in retaliation he had stepped up his tormenting and my life had become one big shit show.

Looking around I walked away and headed to the one place I could find solace in this school...the rooftop.

Opening the door I walked across the large area until I reached the little hut that was situated there...It had most likely been a storage room in the past and I had secretly over time cleared it out and made it my safe place...buying a lock only I had the key for so no one could disturb it when I wasn't here.

Unlocking it I opened the door and slipped inside, turning and locking it from inside then, turning on my flashlight from my phone I found the matches and candles I had stored and lit a couple of the candles. 

Looking around my little area I sat down in my makeshift chair and raised my shirt. Noticing the bruises freshly covering my stomach I grimaced, these would be hard to hide. Then I grabbed the small mirror on a small table and looked at my face...My lips were bleeding slightly and I sighed...I would have to lie to my mother again, she wouldn't let up until I told her what had happened.

I hate you...But you're mineWhere stories live. Discover now